Destiny 2: Everything That Should Return With Trials Of Osiris In Season 10

Bungie: Destiny

There have been several leaks and datamined content that suggest the return of Destiny’s most popular PvP mode called Trials of Osiris. Previously, we had Trials of the Nine which was fun to play to an extent. But with all the changes that Bungie made with this new variant, players weren’t enjoying this mode as much as Trials of Osiris (Destiny 2). Tomorrow, we’ll be getting Empyrean Foundation which is a big community challenge (similar to Community Challenge Mars). Empyrean Foundation will be the beginning of us rebuilding the Lighthouse.

Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris and Its Loot Pool

Now, we know that Trials of Osiris is returning (or could be something else) in Season 10. With that, Bungie will be releasing new weapons and armor sets for each character. I think what Bungie should do with this mode’s return is to add old weapons and armor from Destiny 1 to Trials of Osiris Lootpool. Yes, this will give players a lot of choices and players will have more incentive to play the mode.

Trials of Osiris Weapons

If you haven’t played Destiny 1, Trials of Osiris had some of the best weapons in the game. From Doctrine of Passing to Burning Eye, there’s a really good opportunity for Bungie to bring back these legendary weapons. And not to mention the old Year 1 weapon from Trials of Osiris in Destiny 1 were also amazing that includes, including The Summoner (Adept), The Scholar (Adept), etc.

Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Return Season 10 Armor Sets
Bungie: Destiny

Trials of Osiris Armor Sets

Now, we all know how unique and aesthetically good looking Trials armor sets were back in the old days. One of my all-time favorite Trials of Osiris armor sets is always going to be Scarab Titan set. Take a look at the armor sets below:

As mentioned before, Bungie should re-introduce old (Destiny 1) Trials’ weapons and armor sets with Trials of Osiris’ return in Destiny 2 in Season 10. What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments!

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