
Zuhaad Ali 929 Articles
Zuhaad is a passionate gamer who loves to play first-person shooter games. From the classics like IGI to the current-gen Call of Duty and Destiny, he loves it all. Contact: [email protected]
Team Editor-in-Chief
Abdullah Jawad 80 Articles
Abdullah is a freelance news writer. He is all about RPG titles, His most favorite video game in this genre is The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
Team Contributor
Dante Uzel 67 Articles
I love writing about video games and esports. I love competing in an esports environment and play many games ranging from CoD to FM.
Team Contributor
Moin Imran 3 Articles
Loves everything Destiny. Studies video game Lore and then write about it in chronological order as a hobby.
Team Contributor