Season of the Worthy is going strong in Destiny 2. Just like every season, Bungie has added new items in Destin 2’s Eververse Store. The good news is that Bungie is no longer selling Bright Engrams which is really good for the game. Speaking of Eververse, today, we have compiled a list of Season of the Worthy exotic ornaments that have been added for exotic weapons and armor pieces.
Season of the Worthy Exotic Ornaments
There are a total of twelve new exotic ornaments (weapons and armor pieces combined) added this season. These items include:
- Death Comes Calling – The Fourth Horseman
- Mercurial Affliction – Outbreak Perfected
- Splice of Life – Lord of Wolves
- Standard Bearer – SUROS Regime
- The Chopper – Tommy’s Matchbook
- Timeline Zero – Worldline Zero
- Nano Redux – Raiden Flux (Hunter Chest Armor)
- Huskcrushers – Dunemarchers (Titan Leg Armor)
- Diadem of Deceit – Crown of Tempests (Warlock Helmet)
- All In – Ace of Spades (Trials of Osiris theme)
- Blind Fury – The Colony (Trials of Osiris theme)
- Burning Red – Sunshot
The Fourth Horseman
Outbreak Perfected
Lord of Wolves
SUROS Regime
Tommy’s Matchbook
Worldline Zero
Raiden Flux
Crown of Tempests
Ace of Spades
These are all the exotic ornaments that we could find in the game. If Bungie adds more ornaments later in season, we’ll be updating this article. We have to admit, these exotic ornaments look incredible, especially Hunter’s Raiden Flux SIVA ornament. All of these exotic ornaments are/will be available in the Eververse Store in Destiny 2. What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments!
Apart from that, Bungie has officially confirmed that there is only one ritual weapon in Season of the Worthy and that’s for Iron Banner. Learn more about it here.