Destiny 2 Season Of The Haunted: All Seasonal Challenges

Source: Bungie

Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted was released last month on May 24, 2022. This season brought back an updated version of the Leviathan ship, originally added with the vanilla Destiny 2. Season of the Haunted also continues the storyline of Empress Caiatl and Calus.

With every season, Bungie adds new seasonal challenges for players to complete before the season ends. Thanks to, we now have the list of all Season of the Haunted seasonal challenges releasing every week for the first ten weeks.

Some of these seasonal challenges contain spoilers for the seasonal story quest steps.

Destiny 2: All Season of the Haunted Seasonal Challenges

Season of the Haunted seasonal challenges can be found below.

Week 1 (ending May 31)

Sorrow Bound 1Complete Bound in Sorrow 1 and defeat Scorn ChieftainsBound in Sorrow 1 Completed, defeat 50 Scorn Chieftains.Challenger XP+
Nightmare Containment 1Successfully complete tiers of the Nightmare Containment public event on the Derelict Leviathan throughout the Season.25 public eventsChallenger XP+
Vestiges of Dread 1Throughout Season of the Haunted, collect Vestiges of Dread and pick up material nodes on the Derelict Leviathan.1500 Vestiges of Dread, 20 Material nodesChallenger XP
Sustained FireDefeat combatants with Auto Rifle or Trace Rifle final blows on the Derelict Leviathan, and defeat combatants with Solar damage in any Sever activity.200 Auto Rifle/Trace Rifle kills, 30 Solar damage killsFigments of Darkness,
Challenger XP+
Derelict Levithan ActivitiesOn the Derelict Leviathan, complete bounties and earn progress by completing patrols and public events.18 bountiesChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Taking All ChallengesComplete weekly playlist challenges.Complete 3 weekly challengesChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Mid-Range CalibrationCalibrate mid-range weapons—Hand Cannons, Glaives, Auto Rifles, Fusion Rifles, and Machine Guns—on the Derelict Leviathan. Bonus progress for rapidly defeating combatants.200 killsChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Dredgin’ Up VictoryComplete Gambit matches. Earn bonus progress for wins.15 matchesChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Momentum CrashDefeat Guardians in Momentum Control. Earn bonus progress with Zone Advantage.Defeat 75 GuardiansChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Scorn Pest ControlDefeat Scorn combatants in Vanguard playlists or on the Derelict Leviathan. Earn bonus progress for defeating tougher combatants.Defeat 200 ScornChallenger XP+, Bright Dust

Week 2 (ending June 7)

Sorrow Bound 2Complete Bound in Sorrow 2 and defeat Cabal with precision final blowsBound in Sorrow 2 Completed, defeat 75 CabalChallenger XP+
Leviathan ChestsOpen world chests while exploring the Derelict Leviathan75 chestsChallenger XP
Umbral Focusing 1Focus equipment at the Crown of Sorrow throughout the season3 Focused weapons, 2 Focused armorChallenger XP+
Harvest at DawnDefeat combatants with Scythe final blows on the Derelict Leviathan, and defeat combatants with Solar Power weapon final blows in Sever activities125 Scythe kills, 20 Solar power weapon killsFigments of Darkness,
Challenger XP+
Moon ActivitiesOn the Moon, earn progress by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors18 bountiesChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Lost in the LegendComplete a Lost Sector on Legend or higher1 Lost SectorChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Close-Range CalibrationCalibrate close-range weapons — sidearms, submachine guns, shotguns, glaives, and swords — on the Moon. Bonus progress for rapidly defeating combatants200 killsChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Bank, Kill, RepeatEarn points by banking Motes, defeating Blockers, and defeating Guardians in Gambit250 motesChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Iron Sharpens IronComplete Iron Banner matches. Earn bonus progress for wins15 matchesChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Anti-Cabal SweepDefeat Cabal combatants in Vanguard playlists activities and Strikes. Earn bonus progress for defeating tougher combatants200 CabalChallenger XP+, Bright Dust

Week 3 (ending June 14)

Sorrow Bound 3Complete Bound in Sorrow 3 and defeat Scorn with precision final blowsBound in Sorrow 3 Completed, 75 precision killsChallenger XP+
Nightmare Containment 2Successfully complete tiers of the Nightmare Containment public event on the Derelict Leviathan throughout the season75 public eventsChallenger XP+
Binding 1Throughout Season of the Haunted, bind Nightmares after completing Tier 3 of the Nightmare Containment and open Opulent Chests on the Derelict Leviathan10 Nightmares harvested, 5 chestsFigments of Darkness,
Challenger XP+
Loadout 2On the Derelict Leviathan, defeat combatants with shotgun or fusion rifle final blows and defeat powerful Nightmares100 Shotgun/Fusion Rifle kills, 50 Powerful NightmaresChallenger XP+
Throne World ActivitiesIn the Throne World, complete bounties and earn progress by completing patrols, public events, and looting Lost Sectors18 bountiesChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Power BrokerReach Power Level 1560 by earning powerful rewards and Prime engramsReach Power Level 1560Challenger XP+, Bright Dust
Long-range CalibrationCalibrate long-range weapons — pulse rifles, bows, and trace rifles — in the Throne World. Bonus progress in Lost Sectors100 killsChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Primeval EntourageDefeat Taken in Gambit. Earn bonus progress for defeating tougher combatants100 TakenChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Scorched EarthDefeat Guardians in Team Scorched. Charged detonations in midair or on surfaces earn bonus progress50 GuardiansChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Ultimate ChampionDefeat Champions in any Nightfall Strike on Hero difficulty or higher. Earn bonus progress at higher difficulty tiers60 ChampionsChallenger XP+, Bright Dust

Week 4 (ending June 21)

Sorrow Bound 4Complete Bound in Sorrow 4 and defeat Cabal Centurions throughout the systemBound in Sorrow 4 Completed, 50 Centurions killsChallenger XP+
Crematory FistOn the Derelict Leviathan, defeat combatants with melee abilities. Solar melee abilities or Nightmares defeated with melee abilities grant additional progress150 killsChallenger XP+
Burning ShameComplete Sever – Shame using only a Solar subclass and Solar, Kinetic, or Stasis weaponsComplete Sever – Shame quest stepFigments of Darkness,
Challenger XP+
Shape of Nightmares 1Extract weapon elements from a Haunted weapon with a Deepsight modExtract elements from 1 Deepsight weaponChallenger XP+
Mod CollectorUnlock Artifact modsUnlock 12 Artifact modsChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Precision CalibrationCalibrate marksman weapons — scout rifles, sniper rifles, and linear fusion rifles — by landing precision final blows. Bonus progress against Guardians200 killsChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
High-Value HunterDefeat powerful combatants in Gambit. Earn bonus progress for defeating high-value targetsDefeat 75 combatantsChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Flourish of PowerDefeat Guardians in the Mayhem playlist with Super abilitiesDefeat 50 GuardiansChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Darkest NightfallComplete any Nightfall Strike on Hero difficulty or higherComplete 3 NightfallsNightfall weapon, Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Week 5 (ending June 28)

Sorrow Bound 5Complete Bound in Sorrow 5 and defeat Nightmares on the MoonBound in Sorrow 5 Completed, defeat 75 NightmaresChallenger XP+
Nightmare Containment 3Successfully complete tiers of the Nightmare Containment public event on the Derelict Levithan throughout the season150 public eventsChallenger XP+
Empty GriefComplete Sever – Grief using only a Void subclass and Void, Kinetic, or Stasis weaponsComplete Sever – Grief quest stepFigments of Darkness,
Challenger XP+
Umbral Focusing 2Focus equipment at the Crown of Sorrow throughout the season6 Focused weapons, 4 Focused armorChallenger XP+
Linking the Chain of CommandAcquire the Chain of CommandUnlock the seasonal machine gunChallenger XP++, Bright Dust
SunburnDefeat Guardians. Bonus progress is granted for opponents defeated with the help of Solar effects200 killsChallenger XP++, Bright Dust
Leviathan Reaper – Cabal and Nightmare BossesDefeat Cabal bosses in Strikes or Vanguard playlists. Defeat Nightmares anywhere in the system5 Cabal bosses, 5 Nightmare bossesChallenger XP++, Bright Dust

Week 6 (ending July 5)

Sorrow Bound 6Complete Bound in Sorrow 6 and complete Lost Sectors throughout the systemBound in Sorrow 5 Completed, complete 5 Lost SectorsChallenger XP+
Sparking RageComplete Sever – Rage using only an Arc subclass and Arc, Kinetic, or Stasis weaponsComplete Sever – Rage quest stepFigments of Darkness,
Challenger XP+
Vestiges of Dread 2Throughout Season of the Haunted, collect Vestiges of Dread and pick up material nodes on the Derelict Leviathan15,000 Vestiges of Dread, 40 materailsChallenger XP+
Glean CutDefeat combatants with Glaive or Sword final blows on the Derelict Leviathan and defeat powerful Cabal in any Sever activity200 Glaive/Sword kills, 30 powerful CabalFigments of Darkness,
Challenger XP++
Apex ArmorerMasterwork a piece of armorMasterwork 1 armor pieceChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Absolutely StunningStun ChampionsStun 50 ChampionsChallenger XP+++, Bright Dust
Crucible OrnamentAcquire the Crucible ornament for Chain of CommandUnlock the Crucible ornament from Lord ShaxxChallenger XP+++, Bright Dust

Week 7 (ending July 12)

Sorrow Bound 7Complete Bound in Sorrow 7 and defeat Champions within the Derelict LeviathanBound in Sorrow 5 Completed, defeat 40 ChampionsChallenger XP++
Nullifying ReconciliationComplete Sever – Reconciliation using only a Void subclass and Void, Kinetic, or Stasis weaponsComplete Sever – Reconciliation quest stepFigments of Darkness,
Challenger XP+
Binding 2Throughout Season of the Haunted, bind Nightmares after completing Tier 3 of the Nightmare Containment and open Opulent Chests on the Derelict Leviathan30 Nightmares harvested, 15 chests openedChallenger XP++
Shape of Nightmares 2Shape any Haunted weaponShape one Season of the Haunted weaponChallenger XP+
Beam CannonDefeat targets with trace rifles and shotguns in Gambit. Bonus progress for defeated Guardians60 Shotgun kills, 100 Trace Rifle killsChallenger XP++, Bright Dust
Fleeting GloryComplete Crucible matches in the Glory Rank playlist. Earn bonus progress for wins15 matchesChallenger XP+++, Bright Dust
GrandmasterComplete any Nightfall Strike on GrandmasterComplete 1 Grandmaster NightfallChallenger XP+++, Bright Dust

Week 8 (ending July 19)

Shocking ForgivenessComplete Sever – Forgiveness using only an Arc subclass and Arc, Kinetic, or Stasis weaponsComplete Sever – Forgiveness quest stepOpulent Umbral Energy, Challenger XP+
Vestiges of Dread 3Throughout Season of the Haunted, collect Vestiges of Dread and pick up material nodes on the Derelict Leviathan25,000 Vestiges of Dread, 80 materialsChallenger XP++
Umbral Focusing 3Focus equipment at the Crown of Sorrow throughout the season10 Focused weapon, 8 Focused armorChallenger XP++
PinnacleReach Power Level 1570 by earning pinnacle rewardsReach 1570 Power LevelChallenger XP+++, Bright Dust
Widepoint CalibrationCalibrate trace rifles and shotguns. Bonus progress for rapidly defeating targets and Guardians180 killsChallenger XP++, Bright Dust
Gambit OrnamentAcquire the Gambit ornament for Chain of CommandUnlock the Gambit ornament from DrifterChallenger XP+++, Bright Dust

Week 9 (ending July 26)

Warm ResolveComplete Sever – Resolve using only a Solar subclass and Solar, Kinetic, or Stasis weaponsComplete Sever – Resolve quest stepOpulent Umbral Energy, Challenger XP+
Cabal TacticsOn the Derelict Leviathan, defeat combatants with rocket launcher final blows and rapidly defeat combatants in groups of three or more125 Rocket Launcher kills, 125 rapidly defeated targetsChallenger XP++
Armory-Wide CalibrationCalibrate Kinetic, Energy, and Power weapons. Bonus progress against Champions200 Kinetic weapon kills, 200 Energy weapon kills, and 200 Power weapon killsChallenger XP+++, Bright Dust
Solar GambitDefeat targets with Solar effects. Bonus progress for defeating Guardians200 killsChallenger XP++, Bright Dust
Trial by Firing SquadWin multiple rounds in the Trials of OsirisWin 20 rounds in Trials of OsirisTrials of Osiris weapon, Challenger XP+++, Bright Dust
Solar VanguardDefeat combatants with Solar effects in Vanguard playlists300 killsChallenger XP++, Bright Dust

Week 10 (ending August 2)

Haunting CacophonyDefeat combatants with machine gun final blows in the Derelict Leviathan, and defeat powerful Scorn in any Sever activity200 Machine gun kills, 30 Powerful ScornChallenger XP+
Europa ActivitiesOn Europa, earn progress by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors18 bountiesChallenger XP+, Bright Dust
Vanguard OrnamentAcquire the Vanguard ornament for Chain of CommandUnlock the Vanguard ornament from Commander ZavalaPlanestrider, Challenger XP+++, Bright Dust

You would need to complete a total of 72 seasonal challenges before the end of the season (August 23) in order to complete the Reaper Incarnate challenge that will reward you with a Large Bright Dust Pile.

There you have it! These are all of the seasonal challenges for Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted.

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