Battlefield 2042: Players Who Broke Technical Test NDA Might Get Banned At Launch, DICE Warns

Source: EA/DICE

Battlefield 2042 Techincal Test was officially released this past weekend and has been live on PC for over 48 hours now. Thanks to that, we’ve seen a lot of leaked live gameplay footage of the game. DICE has put out a new statement saying that players who had leaked the playtest footage or broken the NDA in any way could potentially lose “access to 2042 itself when it releases.”

Adam Freeman, Lead Community Manager at EA, laid out some of the details for the upcoming tech test coming to Xbox consoles. In this thread, Freeman stated that players who have violated the NDA for Battlefield 2042 Tech Test can “expect to lose access to both the Technical Playtest, future EA Tests.”

“You’re under NDA for this Playtest, so Videos, Screenshots, and Streaming from this Playtest result in Strikes on your channels.”

“Break the rules, expect to lose access to both the Technical Playtest, future EA Tests, and potentially access to 2042 itself when it releases. We’ve already removed plenty of people from the Playtest in these past 48 hours, and they won’t be able to play this weekend.”

Freeman further warns players to not share their account credentials with other players if they’ve been accepted into the EA playtest program.

“You also don’t want to share your account information with folks either, that’s going to end badly for you. Super Badly.”

Unfortunately, DICE has canceled the Battlefield 2042 Tech Test on PlayStation 5 console due to a critical issue found this weekend. Apart from that, Battlefield 2042 Open Beta will go live in September where everyone will get a chance to experience the game.

Battlefield 2042 is scheduled for release on October 22, 2021, on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and Windows.

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