Bungie has confirmed that Hunter’s Radiant Dance Machines exotic leg armor is way too strong in Destiny 2 PvP and will be nerfed in the future.
Destiny 2’s latest update was dropped earlier this week with the launch of Episode Heresy, bringing a ton of new content for players to dig into. The episode marks the return of the Dreadnaught, with the storyline focusing on the Hive siblings – Oryx, Savathun, and Xivu Arath.
Alongside all this, Bungie reworked a bunch of exotic armor, and one change, in particular, appears to be game-breaking in PvP.

Destiny 2 Radiant Dance Machines in PvP
One of the biggest changes in this update was to Hunter’s Radiant Dance Machines, an exotic leg armor piece that got a serious buff. The new perk now increases airborne effectiveness, hip-fire mobility, range, and accuracy for Primary ammo weapons. On top of that, final blows with Primary weapons restore dodge energy, and if your dodge meter is already full, the energy overflows, letting you chain even more dodges together.
Radiant Dance Machines’ exotic perk description reads: Moderately increases airborne effectiveness and hip fire mobility, range, and accuracy for weapons that use Primary ammo. Final blows with Primary ammo weapons return dodge energy, which can overflow to create additional charges when full.
As expected, this has completely broken PvP. Hunters are now getting unlimited dodge energy, leading to non-stop movement and ability spam. Players have been calling for a nerf, and now Bungie has finally responded. In the Known Issues list for Heresy, Bungie officially stated that this exotic is “overtuned in PVP,” meaning a fix is on the way. However, there’s no word yet on when this patch will drop.
On a side note, Bungie has also confirmed that the Memento shaders preview on armor pieces is a bug and not intended. “This is not intended, and Mementos aren’t being considered for use on armor,” the developer said.
In other news, Destiny 2’s new dungeon, Sundered Doctrine, is set to go live later today. If you’re looking for the new loot for this dungeon, check out our article here.