Destiny 2: Bungie 30th Anniversary Teaser Image Leaks Online

Source: Bungie

The Bungie 30th Anniversary pack is just around the corner and it seems like someone has posted a teaser image for the pack early, revealing our first look at the unique helmet ornament coming tomorrow in Destiny 2. Minor spoiler warning for everyone, but most of the stuff has already been teased by Bungie.

This comes from Josh Hunt on Twitter who also runs a third-party Destiny app, DestinySets. According to the datamined image, it’s confirmed that the previously-rumored classic D1 shotgun, Matador 64 is indeed returning with the 30th Anniversary pack, as you can see on the Titan holding the weapon on the right.

Along with that, we also have our first look at the brand-new Tiger helmet on the Warlock in the middle, which was also teased last week in one of the new images revealed via story listing. This could also be the Unique Helmet Ornament teased by Bungie. We nothing is confirmed, take it with a grain of salt until officially confirmed tomorrow. You can check out the image below.

The Tiger helmet (Tiger Man) was originally revealed back in 2013, during Bungie’s GDC panel. And seems like we’ll finally have it in Destiny 2 after eight years.

Destiny 2 Bungie 30th Anniversary Teaser Image Leak
Source: Bungie

Bungie has also announced that the official trailer for its 30th Anniversary will go live at 7 AM Pacific / 10 AM Eastern. You can set the reminder below.

With the Bungie 30th Anniversary pack in Destiny 2, players will get access to a brand-new dungeon, a returning exotic rocket launcher, Gjallarhorn, three D1 legendary weapons, Eyasluna, 1000-Yard Stare, and now confirmed, Matador 64.

Not only that, but Bungie is also releasing a new six-player activity called Dares of Eternity, which will be free for everyone whether you own the 30th Anniversary pack or not.

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