Destiny 2 Grasp Of Avarice Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor

Discover the full Destiny 2 Grasp Of Avarice loot table, including all dungeon weapons, armor, cosmetics, and more.

The Grasp of Avarice dungeon in Destiny 2 offers a treasure-laden experience for players. Released as part of the Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack during the year of Beyond Light, this dungeon is the fourth in Destiny 2 and presents a unique challenge with its intricate design, unique puzzles, and…traps.

In this guide, we go through all the rewards you can get from the Grasp Of Avarice dungeon.

grasp of avarice weapons

Destiny 2 Grasp Of Avarice Dungeon Loot Pool

The Grasp Of Avarice dungeon consists of three encounters, each with its own unique loot pool. If we look at the rewards, the dungeon offers a total of four legendary weapons, armor sets for each class, two emblems, and an exotic sparrow.

Below, you can check out which items drop from each encounter in the Grasp Of Avarice dungeon.

1st Encounter: Phry’zia, the Insatiable2nd Encounter: Fallen Shield3rd Encounter: Captain Avarokk, the Covetous
Matador 64
Matador 64
d2 arc Arc Shotgun
Hero of Ages
Hero of Ages
d2 arc Arc Sword
Matador 64
Matador 64
d2 arc Arc Shotgun
LegsArmsHero of Ages
Hero of Ages
d2 arc Arc Sword
Class ItemChest1000 Yard Stare
1000 Yard Stare
d2 void Void Sniper Rifle
d2 stasis Stasis Hand Cannon

Any Armor piece

Destiny 2 Grasp Of Avarice Dungeon Rewards

Here’s the complete list of all the rewards you can get from the Grasp Of Avarice dungeon.

  • Eyasluna Hand Cannon
  • Matador 64 Shotgun
  • 1000 Yard Stare Sniper Rifle
  • Hero of Ages Sword
  • Hunter: Twisting Echo Armor set
  • Titan: Descending Echo Armor set
  • Warlock: Corrupting Echo Armor set
  • Gjallarswift Exotic Sparrow
  • Piratical Ambitions Emblem
  • Absolutely Cursed Emblem
  • Ensilvered Snare Shader

Destiny 2 Grasp Of Avarice Collectibles

There are two new emblems exclusive to the Grasp Of Avarice dungeon that players can unlock: Ensilvered Snare and Absolutely Cursed. In addition to that, you can also unlock a new shader called Piratical Ambitions.

Absolutely Cursed emblemAbsolutely CursedNormal
Piratical Ambitions emblemPiratical AmbitionsSolo Flawless
Ensilvered Snare shaderEnsilvered SnareFireteam Flawless

Destiny 2 Grasp Of Avarice Weapon Rolls

Grasp Of Avarice features four legendary weapons. Here’s a table showcasing each of these weapons with their weapon type, element, ammo type, and source.

Hand Cannond2 stasis Stasisd2 primary ammo PrimaryGrasp Of Avarice DungeonNo30th-anni
Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack
Matador 64
Matador 64
Shotgund2 arc Arcd2 special ammo SpecialGrasp Of Avarice DungeonNo30th-anni
Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack
1000 Yard Stare
1000 Yard Stare
Sniper Rifled2 void Voidd2 special ammo SpecialGrasp Of Avarice DungeonNo30th-anni
Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack
Hero of Ages
Hero of Ages
Swordd2 arc Arcd2 heavy ammo HeavyGrasp Of Avarice DungeonNo30th-anni
Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack

Eyasluna Hand Cannon

Image: Bungie

Here are all the possible perks for the Eyasluna hand cannon.

  • Weapon type: Hand Cannon
  • Adaptive Frame: A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
  • Element: Stasis
  • RPM: 140
  • Ammo Capacity: 11
Column 3Column 4
Rapid HitHeadstone
OutlawKill Clip
Perpetual MotionDemolitionist
Heating UpHarmony
RangefinderMoving Target
UnrelentingSnapshot Sights

Matador 64 Shotgun

Matador 64
Image: Bungie

Here are all the possible perks for the Matador 64 shotgun.

  • Weapon type: Shotgun
  • Precision Frame: This weapon’s recoil pattern is more predictably vertical.
  • Element: Arc
  • RPM: 65
  • Ammo Capacity: 5
Column 3Column 4
Threat DetectorOne-Two Punch
Perpetual MotionOpening Shot
Pulse MonitorKilling Wind
Tunnel VisionHarmony
Lead from GoldSwashbuckler
Full Auto Trigger SystemGolden Tricorn

1000 Yard Stare Sniper Rifle

1000 Yard Stare
Image: Bungie

Here are all the possible perks for the 1000 Yard Stare sniper rifle.

  • Weapon type: Sniper Rifle
  • Adaptive Frame: A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
  • Element: Void
  • RPM: 90
  • Ammo Capacity: 4
Column 3Column 4
QuickdrawGolden Tricorn
No DistractionsMulligan
Perpetual MotionDemolitionist
Firmly PlantedMoving Target
Triple TapSnapshot Sights
Heating UpDragonfly

Hero of Ages Sword

Hero of Ages
Image: Bungie

Here are all the possible perks for the Hero of Ages sword.

  • Weapon type: Sword
  • Vortex Frame: Launch a heavy spin attack. Heavy attacks are stronger with full energy.
  • Element: Arc
  • Ammo Capacity: 59
Column 3Column 4
DemolitionistChain Reaction
UnrelentingAssassin’s Blade
Relentless StrikesOne for All
Tireless BladeEn Garde
Duelist’s Trance

And that’s it for this guide. If you want to check other raid and dungeon loot tables, visit our Destiny 2 loot tables hub here. What weapons and perk combinations will you be chasing in the Grasp Of Avarice dungeon? Let us know in the comments below!

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