With the launch of Lightfall in Destiny 2, Bungie somehow made Cabal Threshers insanely powerful to the point where it one-shot-kill players with its solar tracking rockets, even in open-world activities. Since then, players have been asking for a nerf to these annoying gunships and it looks like the community’s prayers have finally been answered!
With a new hotfix that is scheduled to go live later this week on Thursday, March 23, 2023, Bungie plans to fix the issue where the Cabal Threshers were doing way more damage to players in the game, TheGamePost has learned.
Last week, Bungie pushed another hotfix that was said to have fixed the Winterbite exotic glaive bug where the weapon was doing more damage to targets, which resulted in players defeating bosses in raids, and dungeons almost instantly.
Turns out the bug was not completely fixed and the weapon is still broken in Destiny 2. It looks like this will get fixed with the same hotfix this week.
Destiny 2 Cabal Threshers Are Getting Nerfed
A Reddit user pointed out that the Cabal Thresher’s damage is tied to the player’s in-game framerate and found out after testing that Thresher’s damage output at 60 FPS appears to be 130% of the 30 FPS damage output.

According to the Bungie Help Twitter account, there will be a 6-hour server maintenance with a 4-hour downtime before this hotfix goes live on all platforms. Players can find the hotfix schedule below.
- At 7 AM PDT: Destiny 2 server maintenance begins.
- At 7:45 AM PDT: Players will be removed from in-game activities. Downtime starts.
- At 12 PM PDT: Hotfix will be available on all platforms Downtime ends.
- At 1 PM PDT: Destiny 2 server maintenance ends.
You can click on the specific time above to see it according to your time zone. Apart from that, Bungie recently laid out its plans for when players can unlock the new king of PvP (and PvE), The Immortal Adept SMG in Trials of Osiris.
Destiny 2: Lightfall is now available on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.