Here’s our comprehensive guide on how to complete every encounter in the new Sundered Doctrine dungeon in Destiny 2.
Sundered Doctrine is the latest dungeon for Destiny 2, taking place in the ship of Rhulk, First Disciple of the Witness, located in Savathun’s Throne World. We haven’t been back here since the Witch Queen raid, Vow of the Disciple.
Now, let’s talk about how you can complete this dungeon in Destiny 2.
Opening Encounter
Follow the path downstairs to a large room with Ikora’s Guardians examining artifacts. The large panel of buttons here may be useful for subsequent quests. Take a right from here out of the room. Run across a bridge to a closed door.
Jump up to the left and find an opening a short way ahead on the right. Follow the path and you’ll approach your first enemies: some Dread and two Subjugators. These Subjugators are not boss Subjugators and they can be crowd controlled and taken out with Finishers.
Defeat all the enemies then proceed to the back right room. In the far left corner of the room is a block you can jump on that will lower down. Proceed downward until you enter a large room with more enemies and another non-boss Subjugator.
Afterward, look towards the back of the room and look up to see two red lights. Beneath the lights on the ground floor is a small waterfall with an opening through it. Drop down and find yourself at the first encounter.
Vow of the Disciple Symbols Return
If you turn around prior to the first encounter and go down the hallway you will see a room with all the symbols used here and in the Vow of the Disciple raid. As you aim at them from nearby it will give you the name of each symbol.
Good for brushing up if you’re rusty on symbol names. Here is a quick reference as well.
Encounter 1 – Riddle
The starting room has 3 lenses to direct a beam of darkness to another lens. Straight ahead in the starting you will see a circle on the wall with 7 slots for symbols. There are 4 rooms around the center with end plates.
Rotate the darkness lens to start the encounter and change the symbols. A darkness node will appear over each of the starting darkness lenses. Shoot that to make a lens active. Each lens can point in 3 directions.
Next, find a Truthspeaker Major Grim. Kill it to find the correct symbol. Then your goal is to direct the darkness beam to that symbol’s circle plate in one of the 4 rooms. Kill a Subjugator to collect a lens. Place it along the path and rotate it towards the lens. The Subjugator killed will respawn once the lens is placed. You will typically need 3-4 lenses to complete the path.
The first round requires 1 beam to be completed. The second round requires 2 completed beams. The third and final round requires 3 completed beams. Only 1 major grim spawns at a time so you have to complete each beam one by one.
If you go to the wrong circle a Tormentor will spawn in the center. If a lens is placed and it is connected to the darkness beam it will break the lens after 3 rotations. Rotate before placing the lens and activate when the path is established when possible.
Optimization of lenses:
- There are optimal starting lenses for each room. In the second and third phases, you may not get to use these but they can often get you to the circle in 2 lenses.
- The three starting lenses in the center are referred to as left, middle, and right, relative to the starting point looking forward.
- Rooms numbered 1-4 from front left to back left to back right to front right. Once again, relative to start looking forward.
- Room 1: Use the left starting lens aimed slightly left when looking at room 1 down the hall.
- Room 2: Use the center starting lens and aim it straight forward.
- Room 3: Use the right starting lens aimed slightly right between rooms 3 and 4.
- Room 4: Use the left starting lens aimed to the right.
You can trace out paths before starting the encounter. It pays to make yourself aware of the paths before. Here is a rough map courtesy of u/kyriosiam on Reddit:
The symbols spell out riddles, hence the encounter name. If you have two symbols known, like in the first phase or the later portion of the second phase, you can guess the missing symbol by completing the riddle. Some examples are Guardian kill Witness, Pyramid stops Guardian, Traveler gives Light, etc.
You generally want good add-clear and damage. The hardest enemies are non-miniboss Subjugators which can be crowd controlled if you want a little more safety. Queensbreaker is amazing for Blinding whole rooms.
Continue on for a bit killing enemies. In a large room go through a door on the right side. Go down the hallway some and then jump down a hole to the left. You will slide down towards a pit so be careful. Proceed along the sloped sides to the end of the room, hop over to the right, and look down to the left for a doorway.
That will drop you to a tunnel where large, spiked balls roll down. Jump diagonally to the safe alcoves and make your way to the door in the middle of the ramp. In the next hallway, more balls will roll across. Wait for them and proceed forward to the next room which introduces the second encounter mechanic.
There are wheels like last time. On each wheel is a glowing symbol and a rotating device at the center which indicates which way you can rotate the glowing symbol. You can shoot the crux over the wheel to change the rotation direction.
Collect Resonance Splinters around the arena by killing wizards. You can hold 1 to 3 splinters and dunk them on a wheel to move the glowing symbol. Rotate the glowing symbols on the two wheels to match the symbols by the exit door you need to open.
Encounter 2 – Zoetic Lockset
This is a construct-type boss made of several Darkness/Dread Shriekers that fire Resonance Seekers like Caretaker in the Vow of the Disciple Raid.
This encounter relies on the wheels like last time. On each wheel is a glowing symbol and a rotating device at the center which indicates which way you can rotate the glowing symbol. You can shoot the crux over the wheel to change the rotation direction. Collect Resonance Splinters around the arena by killing Wizards. You can hold 1 to 3 Splinters and dunk them on a wheel to move the glowing symbol.
You get a buff for how many splinters you have:
- Heightened Knowledge for 1
- Brimming Knowledge for 2
- Overflowing Knowledge for 3
The wheels are activated when one of the Shriekers gazes at a wheel. What happens depends on the glowing symbol:
- Hive: Spawns an Ogre
- Brain: Spawns a Knight. This might be how Wizards are spawned for Knowledge.
- Stop: Stops add spawns for a brief amount of time
- Kill: Starts DPS phase
- Commune: Has bosses spawn Resonance seekers
- Wheels activate when a Shriker gazes at the wheel
There are 4 wheels. Ideally across 4 wheels, you want 3 Commune and 1 Kill. You can put one Stop in for fewer adds during damage. Panels in front of the 4 Shriekers will show you what they have gazed at and locked in for the round.
The damage phase is very long but the boss has a great deal of health.
Sleeper Simulant and Grand Overture seem effective. Snipers as back-up damage. Well of Radiance and Storm’s Keep Barricades are good for damage. One Player can use Anarchy and a sniper. Stick an Anarchy shot to each Shrieker for the passive damage.
Ammo Finders and Scouts will be very valuable to maintain damage. Use exotic primaries to progress ammo finders faster if possible.
Take one of the Servitor’s eyes and work it to the rounded-out spot in front of the loot chest to open the door forward.
Move forward till you find a room with more Darkness lenses. On the right side jump up the fossilized work to find the second secret chest on top. Complete the two lens paths in this room to open the door. In the next room, there is a glowing door. Keep shooting it to open it and keep it open.
Climb up the platform ahead, turn around, and jump through a door. Proceed through the collection room to the boss.
Encounter 3 – Kerrev, The Erased
This encounter is split into three rooms – Middle, Left, and Right. The boss is located in the middle room standing in front of a circle with 3 symbols on each side. Divide this circle in half vertically so there is a left and right side. Each side then tells a story or riddle like the first encounter. One of the stories is a lie. For example, Traveler, Darkness Guardian is “Traveler gave Darkness to Guardians.”
This encounter uses mirrors like the first encounter. Shine the beams on the Lies and turn the beams away from the Truths. There is also a Truthteller Grim you can use to know which side is true.
Once you have correctly lit up the lies and unlit the truth, there is a button right in the middle of that plate you press, upon which you must take cover from the obelisk by breaking the line of sight as it burns away the boss’s shield, and then DPS starts.
If a pillar is locked down, you must kill an Attendant/Weaver to gain a buff that lets you break the Strand locks.
Here is a map of symbols, courtesy of Digiphoenix22:
If you’re looking for the complete loot table for the Sundered Doctrine dungeon, we have a dedicated article that you can check out here.