Destiny 2 Vow Of The Disciple Loot Table: Raid Weapons And Armor

Discover the full Destiny 2 Vow of the Disciple loot table, including all raid weapons, armor, cosmetics, and more.

Released with The Witch Queen expansion in 2022, the Vow of the Disciple raid quickly became a fan favorite in Destiny 2. Set in the eerie and mysterious Pyramid Ship in Savathun’s Throne World, this raid challenges Guardians with complex mechanics, and boss battles and offers fresh rewards for players to unlock.

In this guide, we go through all the rewards you can get from the Vow Of The Disciple raid.

Vow of the Disciple weapons
Image: Bungie

Destiny 2 Vow of the Disciple Raid Loot Pool

Vow of the Disciple has four encounters in total, each with its own reward pool. Speaking of rewards, this raid offers six legendary weapons and one raid exotic weapon. In addition to that, players can also unlock some shiny cosmetic items in the raid, including an exotic Ghost shell, sparrow, emblems, and shaders.

Below, you can check out which items drop from each encounter in the Vow of the Disciple raid.

1st Encounter: Obelisk (Acquisition)2nd Encounter: The Caretaker3rd Encounter: The Upended (Exhibition)4th Encounter: Rhulk, Disciple of the Witness
d2 kinetic Kinetic Submachine Gun
d2 kinetic Kinetic Submachine Gun
d2 kinetic Kinetic Submachine Gun
Collective Obligation
Collective Obligation
d2 void Void Pulse Rifle
d2 stasis Stasis Fusion Rifle
d2 arc Arc Pulse Rifle
d2 stasis Stasis Fusion Rifle
d2 arc Arc Pulse Rifle
Destiny 2 Vow Of The Disciple Loot Table: Raid Weapons And Armor
Destiny 2 Vow Of The Disciple Loot Table: Raid Weapons And Armor Solar Linear Fusion Rifle
d2 arc Arc Grenade Launcher
d2 arc Arc Grenade Launcher
HelmetDestiny 2 Vow Of The Disciple Loot Table: Raid Weapons And Armor
Destiny 2 Vow Of The Disciple Loot Table: Raid Weapons And Armor Solar Linear Fusion Rifle
LegsLubraes Ruin
Lubrae’s Ruin
Destiny 2 Vow Of The Disciple Loot Table: Raid Weapons And Armor Solar Glaive
Class ItemClass Item

Destiny 2 Vow of the Disciple Raid Rewards

Here’s the complete list of all the rewards you can get from the Vow of the Disciple raid.

  • Collective Obligation Exotic Pulse Rifle
  • Submission Submachine Gun
  • Insidious Pulse Rifle
  • Deliverance Fusion Rifle
  • Forbearance Grenade Launcher
  • Lubrae’s Ruin Glaive
  • Cataclysmic Linear Fusion Rifle
  • Imperious Sun Exotic Ghost Shell
  • Gouging Light Exotic Sparrow
  • Divinity’s Caress Shader
  • Echoed Anger Shader
  • Light of the Dark Sun Emblem
  • The Cleaver Emblem

Destiny 2 Vow of the Disciple Collectible

Vow of the Disciple also offers a ton of cosmetic collectibles for players. These include a sparrow, a Ghost shell, shaders, and emblems.

The CleaverThe CleaverContest mode completion
Light of the Dark Sun emblemLight of the Dark SunNormal completion
Imperious Sun ShellImperious Sun ShellAll the raid lore book
Gouging LightGouging LightMaster difficulty completion
Echoed AngerEchoed AngerLoot all hidden chests in the raid
Divinitys Caress shaderDivinity’s CaressFlawless completion

Destiny 2 Vow of the Disciple Weapon Rolls

Vow of the Disciple features six legendary weapons and one raid exotic weapon. Here’s a table showcasing each of these weapons with their weapon type, element, ammo type, and source.

Collective Obligation
Collective Obligation
Pulse Rifled2 void Voidd2 heavy ammo HeavyVow of the Disciple RaidNotwq
The Witch Queen
Submachine Gund2 kinetic Kineticd2 primary ammo PrimaryVow of the Disciple RaidYestwq
The Witch Queen
Pulse Rifled2 arc Arcd2 primary ammo PrimaryVow of the Disciple RaidYestwq
The Witch Queen
Fusion Rifled2 stasis Stasisd2 special ammo SpecialVow of the Disciple RaidYestwq
The Witch Queen
Grenade Launcherd2 arc Arcd2 special ammo SpecialVow of the Disciple RaidYestwq
The Witch Queen
Lubraes Ruin
Lubrae’s Ruin
GlaiveDestiny 2 Vow Of The Disciple Loot Table: Raid Weapons And Armor Solard2 special ammo SpecialVow of the Disciple RaidYestwq
The Witch Queen
Destiny 2 Vow Of The Disciple Loot Table: Raid Weapons And Armor
Linear Fusion RifleDestiny 2 Vow Of The Disciple Loot Table: Raid Weapons And Armor Solard2 heavy ammo HeavyVow of the Disciple RaidYestwq
The Witch Queen

Now, let’s talk about each individual weapon and their respective perks. Keep in mind that Vow of the Disciple raid weapons come with an Origin Trait called Souldrinker. Here’s what it does:

Souldrinker perk
Gain health based on the number of hits before reloading.

Submission Submachine Gun

Image: Bungie

Here are all the possible perks for the Submission submachine gun.

  • Weapon type: Submachine Gun
  • Lightweight Frame: Superb handling. Move faster with this weapon equipped.
  • Element: Kinetic
  • RPM: 900
  • Magazine: 37
Column 3Column 4
TurnaboutKilling Wind
Steady HandsBait and Switch
Sleight of HandDemolitionist
Perpetual MotionSwashbuckler

Insidious Pulse Rifle

Image: Bungie

Here are all the possible perks for the Insidious pulse rifle.

  • Weapon type: Pulse Rifle
  • Aggressive Burst: Hard-hitting four-burst fire.
  • Element: Arc
  • RPM: 450
  • Magazine: 40
Column 3Column 4
Compulsive ReloaderAdaptive Munitions
DragonflyOne for All
Stats for AllBait and Switch
Sleight of HandTurnabout
DemolitionistVorpal Weapon
Rapid HitAdrenaline Junkie
Heating UpRampage

Deliverance Fusion Rifle

Image: Bungie

Here are all the possible perks for the Deliverance fusion rifle.

  • Weapon type: Fusion Rifle
  • Precision Frame: This weapon’s recoil pattern is more predictably vertical.
  • Element: Stasis
  • RPM: 780
  • Magazine: 6
Column 3Column 4
Compulsive ReloaderTap the Trigger
Heating UpAdrenaline Junkie
Perpetual MotionChill Clip
Steady HandsBait and Switch
Sleight of HandSuccessful Warm-Up

Forbearance Grenade Launcher

Image: Bungie

Here are all the possible perks for the Forbearance grenade launcher.

  • Weapon type: Grenade Launcher
  • Wave Frame: One-shot handheld Grenade Launcher. Projectiles release a wave of energy when they contact the ground.
  • Element: Arc
  • RPM: 72
  • Magazine: 1
Column 3Column 4
UnrelentingGolden Tricorn
Stats for AllTurnabout
Sleight of HandOne for All
Ambitious AssassinBait and Switch
Steady HandsChain Reaction

Lubrae’s Ruin Glaive

Lubraes Ruin
Image: Bungie

Here are all the possible perks for the Lubrae’s Ruin glaive.

  • Weapon type: Glaive
  • Adaptive Glaive: Hybrid melee/ranged polearm with a frontal shield. Generates energy on dealing ranged damage.
  • Element: Solar
  • Charge Time: 40
  • Magazine: 4
Column 3Column 4
Tilting at WindmillsWellspring
Killing WindUnstoppable Force
Steady HandsSurrounded
Grave RobberBait and Switch
Immovable ObjectVorpal Weapon
Sleight of HandSwashbuckler

Cataclysmic Liner Fusion Rifle

Image: Bungie

Here are all the possible perks for the Cataclysmic linear fusion rifle.

  • Weapon type: Liner Fusion Rifle
  • Precision Frame: Fires a long-range precision energy bolt. This weapon’s recoil pattern is more predictably vertical.
  • Element: Solar
  • Charge Time: 533
  • Magazine: 6
Column 3Column 4
SurplusAdaptive Munitions
No DistractionsTurnabout
Compulsive ReloaderBox Breathing
Sleight of HandHigh-Impact Reserves
DragonflyClown Cartridge
Fourth Time’s the CharmBait and Switch
Successful Warm-UpFocused Fury

    Vow of the Disciple Raid Mods

    Vow of the Disciple has nine raid mods in total. You can check out what each of them does below.

    Distorted GlyphkeeperDamaging a Glyphkeeper with a grenade causes your equipped Auto Rifles, Linear Fusion Rifles, Scout Rifles, and Sniper Rifles to deal additional damage.
    Into the LightYour grenades recharge quicker and deal more damage when you are not under the effects of Pervading Darkness.
    Shocked GlyphkeeperDamaging a Glyphkeeper with a grenade causes your equipped Pulse Rifles, Sidearms, Machine Guns, and Submachine Guns to deal additional damage.
    Siphoned GlyphkeeperKilling a Glyphkeeper grants some grenade, class, and Super energy.
    Smoldering GlyphkeeperDamaging a Glyphkeeper with a grenade causes your equipped Hand Cannons, Shotguns, Grenade Launchers, and Rocket Launchers to deal additional damage.
    Stagnant GlyphkeeperDamaging a Glyphkeeper with a grenade causes your equipped Bows, Fusion Rifles, Swords, and Trace Rifles to deal additional damage.
    Umbral HasteningWhile you have several stacks of Pervading Darkness, you gain increased mobility.
    Umbral RechargeWhile you have several stacks of Pervading Darkness, your class ability recharges quicker.
    Umbral SharpeningWhile you have several stacks of Pervading Darkness, you deal increased weapon damage.

    And that’s it for this guide. If you want to check other raid and dungeon loot tables, visit our Destiny 2 loot tables hub here. What weapons and perk combinations will you be chasing in the Vow of the Disciple raid? Let us know in the comments below!

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