Destiny 2: New Wish-Ender Bug Found, Does 16x More Damage

Bungie: Destiny 2

Yesterday, Bungie released a new Hotfix for Destiny 2 on all platforms. It came with fixing a lot of bugs and glitches in the game mainly – Wish-Ender bug. Prior to the hotfix, Wish-Ender in Destiny 2 was dealing more amount of damage due to a glitch in the numbers. But, Bungie made sure to fix yesterday. But it seems a new bug has made its way to this exotic bow which allows the weapon to deal 16x more damage.

Destiny 2: New Bug Allows Wish-Ender To Deal 16x More Damage

Earlier today, players on Destiny Reddit pointed out a new bug that could very well get the weapon disabled today. But there a catch to this bug. In order to deal more damage with this bug, you need penetrable, inanimate objects like grass, bushes, etc, to shoot your arrows through. This bug applies to all bows and not only Wish-Ender (according to u/aussiehalo-). Take a look at the video below:

As you can see, this bug is not very useful in many situations, as it needs a specific requirement. Bungie has yet to comment on this bug since it’s been just found. We hope to hear more about this later today.

Destiny was released on September 9, 2014, on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360. Destiny 2 was released on September 4, 2017, on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. It was released later in 2019 on Google Stadia.

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