Here’s the complete schedule for Destiny 2 Exotic Mission Rotator for Episode 2: Revenant. Stay updated on the exotic mission this week, and the full list of rewards.
In the world of Destiny 2, exotic missions offer some of the most exciting, unique, and challenging experiences for Guardians. These missions not only test your skills but also reward you with exotic weapons and other rewards.
In Destiny 2, exotic weapons and armor, are the rarest and highly saught-after items in the game. They come with unique perks that can have a significant impact on your gameplay, making them highly desirable for all players.

Exotic missions are more complex and challenging than regular missions, often needing a good grasp of game mechanics and teamwork. For example, the new Dual Destiny exotic mission requires two players and involves co-op mechanics throughout.
With the Exotic Mission Rotator, Bungie has made it easier for players to replay and enjoy these missions on a rotating schedule. This guide offers the full schedule for the Exotic Mission Rotator for Destiny 2 Episode 2: Revenant, so you won’t miss any action.
Destiny 2 Exotic Mission This Week: December 17, 2024
Each week, the Exotic Mission Rotator highlights a specific mission from Destiny 2’s past, giving players the chance to dive back into these beloved quests. This week’s exotic mission is Starcrossed, which rewards the Wish-Keeper bow.
Image | Mission Title | Location | Power Level |
Starcrossed | Legends | 1945 |
Exotic Mission Rewards This Week
If you’re looking for the complete list of rewards available for this week’s exotic mission, be sure to check out the detailed table provided below.
Weapon | Type | Element | Ammo | Source | Craftable? |
Wish-Keeper | Combat Bow | Starcrossed | Yes |
Destiny 2 Episode Revenant: Complete Exotic Mission Rotation & Schedule
The Exotic Mission Rotator follows a set schedule, rotating different exotic missions each week. Here is the complete schedule for Episode 2: Revenant:
Image | Mission | Date | Weapon |
Starcrossed | October 8 | Wish-Keeper | |
Presage | October 15 | Dead Man’s Tale | |
Vox Obscura | October 22 | Dead Messenger | |
Operation: Seraph Shield | October 29 | Revision Zero | |
Avalon | November 5 | Vexcalibur | |
Starcrossed | November 12 | Wish-Keeper | |
Presage | November 19 | Dead Man’s Tale | |
Vox Obscura | November 26 | Dead Messenger | |
Operation: Seraph Shield | December 3 | Revision Zero | |
Avalon | December 10 | Vexcalibur | |
Starcrossed | December 17 | Wish-Keeper | |
Presage | December 24 | Dead Man’s Tale | |
Vox Obscura | December 31 | Dead Messenger | |
Operation: Seraph Shield | January 7 | Revision Zero | |
Avalon | January 14 | Vexcalibur | |
Starcrossed | January 21 | Wish-Keeper | |
Presage | January 28 | Dead Man’s Tale | |
Vox Obscura | February 4 | Dead Messenger |
What is the Exotic Mission Rotator?
The Exotic Mission Rotator is a weekly feature playlist for the exotic missions in Destiny 2, introduced to keep the game fresh and engaging by cycling through various exotic missions from the past. This allows new and returning players to experience different missions regularly.
By participating in the rotator, players can revisit their favorite missions. Currently, there are five exotic missions available in the exotic mission rotator. These are Presage, Starcrossed, Avalon, Operation: Seraph’s Shield, and Vox Obscura.
Exotic Mission Rotator Rewards
Completing exotic missions in the rotator rewards players with unique exotic and legendary items that can’t be obtained anywhere else. These rewards consist of both weapons and armor. Players can craft legendary weapons in this rotator by collecting Deepsight patterns for their desired weapons, enabling them to unlock the pattern and craft the weapon.
Below, you can find all the details for the rewards structure in Destiny 2 Exotic Mission Rotator, as per the TWID from Bungie.
Weapon crafting rewards
- The first completion of the mission on Normal or Legendary difficulty will award the Exotic Deepsight weapon associated with the mission. Extracting or dismantling this Deepsight weapon will grant the pattern.
- Each completion of the Normal or Legendary version of the Exotic mission will award an intrinsic upgrade that can be used when crafting the Exotic weapon.
- Each completion of the Legendary version of the Exotic mission will award a Catalyst upgrade for the crafted Exotic weapon.
Armor and weapon rewards
- The Normal and Legendary versions of the missions have separate weekly reward lockouts.
- Weekly mission rewards:
- One guaranteed Deepsight weapon that has not had its pattern unlocked and one armor piece that has not already been obtained (based on your current class).
- If all weapon patterns and armor have been obtained for the in-rotation mission, a random world drop will be awarded.
- On every completion, you will receive an additional weapon from the mission’s weapon pool. However, this weapon will have no knockout or guaranteed Deepsight behavior (the weapon can roll with Deepsight, but this would be on a random percentage chance).
Weekly challenge
- This weekly challenge has the same armor and weapon pool as the Exotic mission which is in rotation.
- The challenge rewards will be output at pinnacle power and will prioritize the rewards in the following order:
- One guaranteed Deepsight weapon that has not had its pattern unlocked.
- If weapon patterns have all been unlocked, the challenge will award one armor piece that has not been obtained (based on your current class).
- If all weapon patterns and armor have been obtained for the in-rotation mission, the challenge will output a random weapon or armor.
- Additionally, the Exotic mission gives bonus progress for the Xenology quest from Xûr: four points for completing on Normal difficulty, and seven for completing on Legendary.
How to Access the Exotic Mission Rotator?
Accessing the Exotic Mission Rotator is straightforward. Each week, the featured mission will be highlighted in the Director. Follow the below steps to find the weekly featured exotic mission in Destiny 2:
- Open the Director map
- Select the Destinations tab
- Select “Legends” on the top right.
- Select the weekly featured exotic mission.
Make sure you meet the required power levels for the exotic missions. The Standard power level requirement is 1945, while the Expert difficulty requires you to be at or above the 2005 power level. Keep in mind that your equipment will be locked during the Expert mode, meaning you will not be able to change your equipment after the activity has started.