Destiny 2: Most Game-breaking ‘Infinite Warlock Dawnblade’ Exploit Found For PvE And PvP

Bungie: Destiny 2

Yesterday, a new exploit was found in Destiny 2 that involves the space magic demons of Destiny 2 also known as – Warlocks. There are three subclasses (with three additional trees) for Warlock that is Solar, Void, and Arc (just like other classes). This new exploit allows you to use Destiny 2 Warlock Dawnblade (Solar) infinitely. This is probably the most game-breaking glitch we’ve seen in a while as this is doable in both PvP and PvE.

Destiny 2: New Warlock Exploit

CzRSpecV is the one who first found this exploit in Destiny 2. Gladd, later on, shared a video of him trying out this exploit in Destiny 2’s Tribute Hall. And we have to say, this could be very concerning for players in PvP. I played a few matches on Control today, and the majority of these matches were filled with players using this exploit already. This really ruins the player experience for those who want to play the game in a legit way.

We hope Bungie fixes this exploit as soon as possible. In the meantime, keep yourself away from using this exploit in PvP. You can try it out in the Tribute Hall if you want. What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments!

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