Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons and Armor

Image: Bungie via The Game Post

Here’s the full Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine loot table, including all dungeon weapons, armor, cosmetics, and more.

Destiny 2’s Sundered Doctrine dungeon, released during the Episode Heresy in the year of The Final Shape, is the game’s tenth dungeon. This dungeon takes place in the Rhulk’s pyramid ship in Savathun’s Throne Word, a destination added in The Witch Queen expansion.

As with previous Destiny 2 dungeons, Sundered Doctrine promises new mechanics, boss encounters, and most importantly, new loot for players to unlock.

In this guide, we go through all the rewards you can get from the Sundered Doctrine dungeon.

Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
Image: Bungie

Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Dungeon Loot Pool

Similar to previous dungeons in Destiny 2, Sundered Doctrine offers a set of four new legendary weapons and armor. In addition, players can get the brand-new Finality’s Auger exotic linear fusion rifle, along with some other exclusive cosmetic items.

Below, you can check out which items drop from each encounter in the Sundered Doctrine dungeon.

RiddleZoetic LocksetKerrev, the Erased
Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
d2 strand Strand Hand Cannon
Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
d2 strand Strand Hand Cannon
Destiny 2 Finality’s Auger exotic
Finality’s Auger
Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons and Armor Solar Linear Fusion Rifle
Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
d2 arc Arc Scout Rifle
Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
d2 void Void Shotgun
Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
d2 void Void Shotgun
Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
d2 strand Strand Trace Rifle
Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
d2 strand Strand Trace Rifle
Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
d2 strand Strand Hand Cannon
HelmetHelmetDestiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
d2 arc Arc Scout Rifle
ArmsArmsDestiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
d2 strand Strand Trace Rifle

Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Dungeon Rewards

Here’s the complete list of all the rewards you can get from the Sundered Doctrine dungeon.

  • Finality’s Auger Exotic Linear Fusion Rifle
  • Unsworn Trace Rifle
  • Unvoiced Shotgun
  • Unloved Hand Cannon
  • Unworthy Scout Rifle
  • Flain Armor
  • Last Erasure Emblem
  • Pyramid’s Pilot Emblem
  • Unsounded Depths Emblem
  • Future Proof Exotic Sparrow

Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Collectibles

There are three new emblems exclusive to the Sundered Doctrine dungeon that players can unlock: Last Erasure, Pyramid’s Pilot, and Unsounded Depths. Additionally, you can also get the new Future Proof exotic sparrow from this dungeon.

Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons and ArmorLast ErasureContest Mode Completion
destiny 2 unsounded depths emblemUnsounded DepthsNormal Completion
destiny 2 pyramid's pilot emblemPyramid’s PilotSolo Flawless Completion
Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And ArmorFuture ProofMaster Difficulty Completion

Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Weapon Rolls

Sundered Doctrine features new legendary weapons and one exotic weapon. Here’s a table showcasing each of these weapons with their weapon type, element, ammo type, and source.

Destiny 2 Finality’s Auger exotic
Finality’s Auger
Linear Fusion RifleDestiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons and Armor
d2 heavy ammo
Sundered Doctrine DungeonNotfs
The Final Shape Dungeon Key
Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
Shotgund2 void Voidd2 special ammo
Sundered Doctrine DungeonNotfs
The Final Shape Dungeon Key
Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
Scout Rifled2 arc Arcd2 primary ammo PrimarySundered Doctrine DungeonNotfs
The Final Shape Dungeon Key
Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
Trace Rifled2 strand Strandd2 special ammo
Sundered Doctrine DungeonNotfs
The Final Shape Dungeon Key
Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
Hand Cannond2 strand Strandd2 primary ammo PrimarySundered Doctrine DungeonNotfs
The Final Shape Dungeon Key

Now, let’s talk about each individual weapon and their respective perks. Keep in mind that all Sundered Doctrine dungeon weapons come with a new Origin Trait called Subjugation. Here’s what it does:

  • Subjugation Origin Trait: Weapon adapts to targets. When dealing damage:
    • To weak targets: shots explode
    • To strong targets: targets become exhausted
    • To Guardians: the weapon’s flinch resistance increases
    • Exhausted targets deal reduced outgoing damage.

Finality’s Auger Exotic Linear Fusion Rifle

Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
Image: Bungie via The Game Post
  • Weapon Name: Finality’s Auger
  • Weapon Type: Linear Fusion Rifle
  • Element: Solar
  • Ammo Type: Heavy
  • Charge Time: 533
  • Magazine Size: 6

Exotic perks:

  • Ruinscribe’s Forge: [Alternate Weapon Action] to fire a special projectile that deploys a Ruinscribe Turret. This projectile costs 3 ammo to fire. Aim the projectile skyward to provide the clearest sight lines for the turret which will automatically shoot at nearby targets.
  • Ruinscribe’s Beacon: While a Ruinscribe Turret is deployed, this weapon can paint targets with its laser projectiles. The turret prioritizes painted targets and fires more powerful munitions at them. [Alternate Weapon Action] to swap between normal fire and laser fire modes.

Unvoiced Shotgun

Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
Image: Bungie via The Game Post
  • Weapon type: Shotgun
  • Pinpoint Slug Frame: Fires a single-slug round. This weapon’s recoil pattern is more predictably vertical.
  • Element: Void
  • RPM: 65
  • Magazine: 7
Column 3Column 4
Destabilizing RoundsDemoralize
Killing WindBait and Switch
Envious ArsenalFrenzy
RedirectionClosing Time
Fourth Time’s the CharmVorpal Weapon
Lone WolfElemental Honing

Unworthy Scout Rifle

Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
Image: Bungie via The Game Post
  • Weapon type: Scout Rifle
  • Rapid-Fire Frame: Fires full auto with deeper ammo reserves. Faster reload when weapon is empty.
  • Element: Arc
  • RPM: 260
  • Magazine: 17
Column 3Column 4
Keep AwayZen Moment
Rapid HitRolling Storm
Heating UpPrecision Instrument
Rewind RoundsParacausal Affinity
Ambitious AssassinFrenzy

Unsworn Trace Rifle

Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
Image: Bungie via The Game Post
  • Weapon type: Trace Rifle
  • Adaptive Frame: A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
  • Element: Strand
  • RPM: 1000
  • Magazine: 104
Column 3Column 4
Rewind RoundsElemental Honing
Stats For AllHatchling
ThreshDetonator Beam
Shoot to LootKilling Tally
SubsistenceBait and Switch
TearTarget Lock

Unloved Hand Cannon

Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons And Armor
Image: Bungie via The Game Post
  • Weapon type: Hand Cannon
  • Heavy Burst Frame: Fires a hard-hitting, two-round burst. Slightly reduces flinching from incoming fire while aiming.
  • Element: Strand
  • RPM: 257
  • Magazine: 18
Column 3Column 4
Heating UpTear
DragonflyKill Clip
OutlawClosing Time
Rapid HitElemental Honing
Killing WindParacausal Affinity

Is Sundered Doctrine farmable?

Yes, the Sundered Doctrine dungeon can be farmed for unlimited Legendary weapons and armor loot drops. However, the new Finality’s Auger exotic Linear Fusion Rifle in the Sundered Doctrine can only be farmed once per character per week.

This is because it is the newest dungeon in Destiny 2 right now which means it’s not part of the weekly Featured dungeon rotation. If you’re having a hard time completing this dungeon, make sure to check out our complete walkthrough guide here.

And that’s it for this guide. If you want to check other raid and dungeon loot tables, visit our Destiny 2 loot tables hub here. What weapons and perk combinations will you be chasing in the Sundered Doctrine dungeon? Let us know in the comments below!

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