Epic Games Publishing Is Coming Soon And Announces New Titles

Epic Games

Epic Games Store was one of the talking points of the last year. Fortnite earned Epic Games a lot of money and they tried to utilize this by releasing their own PC gaming platform against Steam. This was an unexpected thing and a huge mountain to climb for Epic Games. After all, Steam is the biggest player in the market. But Epic Games offered developers some very good percentages with great bonuses if they use their store. Also for players, they offered 2 free games nearly every week. Some of these games were quite remarkable. But Epic Games announced that they entering another market with Epic Games Publishing

Epic Games Publishing going to be an interesting sight because gaming platforms and publishing are two very different businesses. The terms they offered to the developers are very good covering most of the costs. Also after cost, they are offering another %50 to the developers. This is an unexpected offer to the developers and it will pique some interest for sure.

Epic Games Publishing
Epic Games

But Epic Games Store was not the best of ventures until now. Even though Epic Games announced $680 million was spent in their store until now. But they bought a lot of exclusive deals and these cost them a lot of money. When we take a look at the figures Control game alone cost 10 million dollars.

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