Destiny 2 Barrow-Dyad Exotic Catalysts: How To Get, Quests, Perks, Taken Fragments Location – Complete Guide

Image: Bungie via The Game Post

Looking to unlock the Barrow-Dyad exotic catalysts in Destiny 2? Here’s a complete guide on how to get them, all the quest steps, and Taken Osseous Fragments locations.

The Barrow-Dyad is a new Exotic weapon in Destiny 2 added with Episode: Heresy. This Strand SMG comes packed with some really interesting exotic perks and has four Exotic catalysts that can enhance the weapon even further.

However, unlocking these catalysts isn’t as simple as picking them up from a vendor. You’ll need to complete specific quest steps, collect Taken Osseous Fragments, and deal with a bit of time-gating.

Destiny 2 Episode Heresy: All Exotic Weapons And Armor
Image: Bungie

In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to do to unlock the Barrow-Dyad’s exotic catalysts, including a step-by-step breakdown of the quest and fragment locations.

Destiny 2 Barrow-Dyad Exotic
Submachine Gund2 strand
d2 primary ammo
Derealize Exotic MissionYes

All Barrow-Dyad Exotic Catalysts in Destiny 2

There are four exotic catalysts for the Barrow-Dyad, each adding a new perk to the weapon. These are:

  • High-Impact Reserves Refit: Rounds at the end of the magazine deal more damage.
  • Hatchling Refit: Precision final blows or rapidly defeating targets with this weapon spawns a Threadling at the target’s location.
  • One for All Refit: Hitting three separate targets increases damage for a moderate duration.
  • Target Lock Refit: Damage increases the longer this weapon remains on a target.

Two of these catalysts are available with Heresy Act 2 (March 12), while the final two will be obtainable when Act 3 releases on April 1.

Destiny 2 Barrow-Dyad Exotic Catalysts: How To Get, Quests, Perks - Complete Guide
Image: Bungie

How to Get the Barrow-Dyad Exotic Catalysts in Destiny 2

Step 1: Complete The Taken Path Quest

Before you can get your hands on the catalysts, you’ll need to complete The Taken Path exotic quest. This will unlock the weapon itself. Check out our guide on how to complete this quest here.

Destiny 2 The Taken Path Quest: How To Get Barrow-Dyad Exotic Submachine Gun - Complete Guide
Image: Bungie via The Game Post

Step 2: Claim the Diadic Ascension Quest

After you’ve completed the main quest, visit the Taken Slab in the Eris Morn’s apartment and claim the Diadic Ascension exotic quest. This quest requires you to level up the vendor, and collect Taken Osseous Fragments in The Nether.

There are 18 available fragments in total, 6 in each location of the Dreadnaught.

Destiny 2 Barrow-Dyad Exotic Catalysts: How To Get, Quests, Perks - Complete Guide
Image: Bungie | Aztecross

Step 3: Unlock ‘Steel Your Nerves’ Upgrade

The first step of the quest requires you to claim the “Steel Your Nerves” upgrade at the Taken Slab vendor. To do this, you need to level up the seasonal vendor to Level 5.

Step 4: Collect 6 Taken Osseous Fragments in The Nether

Now, you need to collect six of the eighteen Taken Osseous Fragments in the Nether activity. Each zone has 6 Taken fragments.

Destiny 2 Barrow-Dyad Exotic Catalysts: How To Get, Quests, Perks - Complete Guide
Image: Bungie | Aztecross

Below, you can find the location for each of them.

Destiny 2 The Nether: All 18 Taken Osseous Fragments Locations

There are three zones in The Nether where you can collect the fragments.


When you get close to a fragment, it will show a marker on your mini-map.

The Trenchway:

  • The first fragment is near your spawn point, on the right side. (Opening Area)
  • The second is tucked under a structure nearby to the far left. (Opening Area)
  • The third is on top of a ledge near the opening area. (Opening Area)

The last three fragments are located in the next area where there’s a huge pit in the middle.

  • The fourth is on a platform in the middle, before making the jump.
  • The fifth is located on the far left of the area on top of the ledge. This is where you need to pick up the Solar objective sometimes.
  • The sixth fragment is located on the far right of the area. Jump ahead, and make your way to the right, pull out your Ghost to reveal invisible platforms leading to a rock where the fragment is located.

Hall of Souls

  • The first fragment is on a pillar immediately to your right when you spawn.
  • Make your way forward to the Court of Oryx. From there, turn left, and you’ll find the second fragment is under a platform on a pillar.
  • The third is below a supporting pillar where a bright beam of light is visible.
  • The fourth fragment is located in the King’s Fall raid opening area where you’ll find a Tormentor. Make your way to the left hallway and you’ll find this fragment behind a pillar.
  • From there, make your way forward to the next room. The fifth fragment can be found between giant rocks near a central objective spawn point.
  • The sixth is located near the center of the area, on a small ledge to the left.

The Mausoleum

  • The first fragment is hidden in a corner right behind where you spawn.
  • The second is under a broken bridge in the middle of the area.
  • The third is on top of a broken pillar in front of the bridge.
  • The fourth is under a tentacle-like structure on the path leading to the boss fight.
  • Make your way to the boss arena, and you’ll find the fifth fragment on the rock above you, to your right.
  • The sixth is behind a rock next to where the boss chest spawns to the right.

Collecting 6 fragments will unlock an Intrinsic upgrade for the Barrow-Dyad exotic submachine gun.

Step 5: Unlock ‘Unbreakable Will’ Upgrade

After collecting the first 6 Taken fragments, you’ll need to level up the seasonal vendor to Rank 9 to unlock another upgrade called “Unbreakable Will.”

Destiny 2 Barrow-Dyad Exotic Catalysts: How To Get, Quests, Perks - Complete Guide
Image: Bungie | Aztecross

Step 6: Collect 6 More Taken Osseous Fragments in The Nether

Now, you need to head back to The Nether and collect 6 more Taken fragments. Simply follow the location guide above to find them.

Step 7: Unlock ‘Moment of Clarity’ Upgrade

For this step, you need to unlock the “Moment of Clarity” upgrade at the Taken Slab. Right now, this upgrade is not available.

We will update this section once we have more details.

Destiny 2 Barrow-Dyad Exotic Catalysts: How To Get, Quests, Perks - Complete Guide
Image: Bungie | Aztecross

Step 8: Collect the Last 6 Taken Osseous Fragments in The Nether

After that, you need to collect the remaining Taken fragments in The Nether. Again, follow the location guide above to collect all 18 of them.


This quest is timegated. We will update this guide once more quest steps are found.

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