Apex Legends Season 5 is Bringing Reconnect Feature

By Dante Uzel
Apex Legends

Apex Legends is one of the biggest games right now. We can see this by their numbers recently Respawn Entertainment announced that the game passed the 70 million players registered mark. This is an amazing number for a game with a rocky start. One of the most requested features by the players was the reconnect feature, especially for ranked games. We do know that there are many games that implemented this feature in order to prevent internet problems resulting in a match loss. According to recent developers’ post on Reddit Apex Legends will introduce this with the upcoming Apex Legends Season 5.

Apex Legends
Apex Legends Reddit

Of course, how will this feature work is also important. By the looks of it, players who drop from the game to the main menu will be able to reconnect however it is unknown if you return to your desktop whether you will be able to join again or not. Respawn Entertainment is really trying to improve their game. Most players were sour because it did prevent a Titanfall 3 launch. Even though we do know that Titanfall 3 is still in the minds of Respawn Entertainment they were directed to this area by Electronic Arts. This development will help players who drop out and wants to reconnect.

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