Destiny 2: We’re Less Than 1.5bn Fractaline Away From Empyrean Foundation Quest Completion

Bungie: Destiny 2

Empyrean Foundation was the final major content drop for Season of Dawn in Destiny 2 (apart from the yearly event – Crimson Days). There are a total of seven stages for this community challenge; with each stage requiring more and more Fractaling donations needed for further progress. Right now, Destiny 2 community is at the final stage of the Empyrean Foundation quest. 

We are Closing In With Empyrean Foundation Quest Completion

The final stage for Empyrean Foundation requires a total donation of 9,777,777,700. At the time of writing this article, we the total Fractaline donations of 8,371,018,300, thanks to So, we are a little less than 1.5 billion Fractaline (1,406,759,400 to be exact) short of completing the final stage of this massive community challenge in Destiny 2.

Destiny 2 Empyrean Foundation Content Leak Trials of Osiris
Credits: u/ihasaredbeard – Reddit

As for the content after completion, dmg04 on Twitter has confirmed that there won’t be any new missions dropping with the completion of this community challenge. And that we’ll only be unlocking the final triumph for Season of Dawn seal – Savior, which, upon redemption, will reward with a unique armor shader. 

Spoiler Alert!

We’ve already seen the new mission that has been popping up in-game on the Orbit screen. This leaked mission is called “Worthy” and is most likely to be playable with the start of the next season considering the next season is called “Season of Worthy.” What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments!

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