Destiny 2’s Best Third-Party Tool Just Got Even Better

Thank the Traveler...or the team behind DIM

Image: Bungie

Destiny 2 is an online multiplayer game that requires players to collect a vast array of weapons, armor, and other items. Managing these items in-game can be a tedious task, especially if you have more than one character. If you’ve been playing Destiny 2 for the past year to two, you’ve probably heard of a third-party tool called Destiny Item Manager, or DIM for short.

DIM is a free app that allows players to easily manage their items across all their characters, without the need to switch back and forth in-game. Recently, with the release of Lightfall, Bungie introduced a new feature called in-game loadouts, where players are able to save their desired weapons and armor in-game.

DIM also received a major update that has made the app even better. With the implementation of loadouts in Destiny 2, the team behind the Destiny Item Manager app also updated the app to include this new in-game loadouts system. Though, there’s good and bad news.

The good news is that players are able to customize their in-game loadouts’ Name, Color, and Icon via DIM. The bad news is that as of right now, it’s not possible to save existing DIM loadouts directly as your in-game loadouts. That said, you can create new in-game loadouts for the currently equipped items via the app, thanks to the “Save As In-Game Loadouts” feature.

Destiny 2's Best Third-Party Tool Just Got Even Better
Image: Destiny Item Manager

To do this, first, you would need to open the Loadouts tab in the Destiny Item Manager app. From there, choose the desired loadout that you want to customize and click on the Edit button.

To create a new in-game loadout for your currently-equipped items, you’ll find the “Save As In-Game Loadout” option in the “Equipped” section. Click and choose your slot.

Previously this was only available outside of the game, via the apps like DIM. And although loadouts are now available in Destiny 2, this doesn’t mean DIM’s loadouts are less essential.

Destiny Item Manager is still a huge part of Destiny 2 and it would be hard to imagine the game without this or other inventory management apps like Ishtar Commander.

In case you don’t know, there are several other third-party apps for Destiny 2 that can enhance your gameplay experience. We have a complete list of some of the best apps for Destiny 2 that you can check out here.

Make sure to follow our Destiny outlet Destiny Bulletin on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram for all things Destiny 2 and Bungie.

Destiny 2 Lightfall is now available on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

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