Destiny 2 Crota’s End Loot Table: Raid Weapons And Armor

Image: Bungie

Discover the full Destiny 2 Crota’s End loot table, including all raid weapons, armor, cosmetics, and more.

In 2023, Crota’s End made a grand return to Destiny 2 during the Season of the Witch, reigniting the excitement among players who had experienced the original raid in Destiny 1. As the third reprised raid brought into the game, Crota’s End features updated encounters and challenges, with the ultimate objective of defeating Crota, Son of Oryx.

crotas end weapons
Image: Bungie

In this guide, we go through all the rewards you can get from the Crota’s End raid.

Destiny 2 Crota’s End Raid Loot Pool

While a fairly short raid, Crota’s End does offer a bunch of weapons and armor for players to grind for. The raid itself consists of four encounters in total. If we talk about rewards, there are six legendary weapons with one raid exotic, as well as other cosmetic items like emblems, an exotic ship, a sparrow, and shaders.

Below, you can check out which items drop from each encounter in the Crota’s End raid.

1st Encounter: Abyss2nd Encounter: Bridge3rd Encounter: Ir Yut4th Encounter: Crota
Abyss Defiant
Abyss Defiant
Destiny 2 Crota’s End Loot Table: Raid Weapons And Armor Solar Auto Rifle
Fang of Ir-Yut
Fang of Ir Yut
d2 strandStrand Scout Rifle
Word of Crota
Word of Crota
d2 voidVoid Hand Cannon
d2 kinetic Kinetic Exotic Auto Rifle
Fang of Ir-Yut
Fang of Ir Yut
d2 strand Strand Scout Rifle
Oversoul Edict
Oversoul Edict
d2 arc Arc Pulse Rifle
Oversoul Edict
Oversoul Edict 
d2 arcArc Pulse Rifle
Word of Crota
Word of Crota
d2 void Void Hand Cannon
Song of Ir-Yut
Song of Ir Yut
d2 arc Arc Machine Gun
d2 strand Strand Shotgun
Song of Ir-Yut
Song of Ir Yut
Destiny 2 Crota’s End Loot Table: Raid Weapons And Armor Solar Machine Gun
Abyss Defiant
Abyss Defiant 
Destiny 2 Crota’s End Loot Table: Raid Weapons And Armor Solar Auto Rifle
d2 strandStrand Shotgun
ArmsChestLegsOversoul Edict
Oversoul Edict 
d2 arc Arc Pulse Rifle
ChestLegsClass ItemHelmet
Class Item

Destiny 2 Crota’s End Raid Rewards

Here’s the complete list of all the rewards you can get from the Crota’s End raid.

  • Necrochasm Exotic Auto Rifle
  • Abyss Defiant Auto Rifle
  • Fang of Ir Yut Scout Rifle
  • Word of Crota Hand Cannon
  • Oversoul Edict Pulse Rifle
  • Swordbreaker Shotgun
  • Song of Ir Yut Heavy Machine Gun
  • Titan: Willbreaker Armor set
  • Warlock: Deathsinger Armor set
  • Hunter: Armor set
  • War’s Lament Exotic Ship
  • Crota’s Exile Exotic Sparrow
  • Warped Rachis Shader
  • Shed Carapace Shader
  • Illuminated Peril Emblem
  • A Broken Throne Emblem

Destiny 2 Crota’s End Collectibles

In addition to weapons and armor, there are also some exclusive cosmetics items players can unlock in the Crota’s End raid. These include exclusive shaders, emblems, an exotic ship, and a sparrow.

Illuminated Peril emblemIlluminated PerilNormal completion
A Broken Throne emblemA Broken ThroneContest mode completion
Wars LamentWar’s LamentMaster difficulty completion
Crotas ExileCrota’s ExileComplete all encounter challenges on Master difficulty
Warped RachisWarped Rachis Loot all hidden chests in the raid
Shed Carapace shaderShed CarapaceFlawless completion

Destiny 2 Crota’s End Weapon Rolls

Crota’s End features six legendary weapons and one raid exotic weapon. Here’s a table showcasing each of these weapons with their weapon type, element, ammo type, and source.

Auto Rifled2 kinetic Kineticd2 primary ammo PrimaryCrota’s End RaidNoFree
Abyss Defiant
Abyss Defiant
Auto RifleDestiny 2 Crota’s End Loot Table: Raid Weapons And Armor Solard2 primary ammo PrimaryCrota’s End RaidYesFree
Fang of Ir-Yut
Fang of Ir Yut
Scout Rifled2 strand Strandd2 primary ammo PrimaryCrota’s End RaidYesFree
Word of Crota
Word of Crota
Hand Cannond2 voidVoidd2 primary ammo PrimaryCrota’s End RaidYesFree
Oversoul Edict
Oversoul Edict
Pulse Rifled2 arc Arcd2 primary ammo PrimaryCrota’s End RaidYesFree
Shotgund2 strand Strandd2 special ammo SpecialCrota’s End RaidYesFree
Song of Ir-Yut
Song of Ir Yut
Heavy Machine Gund2 arc Arcd2 heavy ammo HeavyCrota’s End RaidYesFree

Now, let’s talk about each individual weapon and their respective perks. Keep in mind that Crota’s End raid weapons come with an Origin Trait called Cursed Thrall. Here’s what it does:

Cursed Thrall perk
Cursed Thrall
After defeating a target with a melee attack, final blows with this weapon cause targets to explode for a short duration.

Abyss Defiant Auto Rifle

Abyss Defiant
Image: Bungie

Here are all the possible perks for the Abyss Defiant auto rifle.

  • Weapon type: Auto Rifle
  • High-Impact Frame: Slow firing and high damage. This weapon is more accurate when stationary, moving slowly, and aiming down sights.
  • Element: Solar
  • RPM: 360
  • Magazine: 32
Column 3Column 4
Heal ClipIncandescent
ReconstructionTarget Lock
SubsistenceSword Logic
Zen MomentKill Clip
Enlightened ActionSwashbuckler
OutlawEye of the Storm
PugilistCollective Action
High Ground

Fang of Ir Yût Scout Rifle

Fang of Ir-Yut
Image: Bungie

Here are all the possible perks for the Fang of Ir Yût scout rifle.

  • Weapon type: Scout Rifle
  • Rapid-Fire Frame: Fires full auto with deeper ammo reserves. Faster reload when weapon is empty.
  • Element: Strand
  • RPM: 260
  • Magazine: 18
Column 3Column 4
Rewind RoundsSword Logic
Rapid HitHatchling
Keep AwayKill Clip
Shoot to LootPrecision Instrument
Killing WindOpening Shot
SurplusGolden Tricorn
Tunnel VisionHigh Ground

Word of Crota Hand Cannon

Word of Crota
Image: Bungie

Here are all the possible perks for the Word of Crota hand cannon.

  • Weapon type: Hand Cannon
  • Precision Frame: Recoil pattern on this weapon is more predictably vertical. Fires quickly with high accuracy.
  • Element: Void
  • RPM: 180
  • Magazine: 13
Column 3Column 4
Repulsor BraceDestabilizing Rounds
DragonflySword Logic
Enlightened ActionFrenzy
SubsistenceAdrenaline Junkie
Killing WindPrecision Instrument
RangefinderFocused Fury

Oversoul Edict Pulse Rifle

Oversoul Edict
Image: Bungie

Here are all the possible perks for the Oversoul Edict pulse rifle.

  • Weapon type: Pulse Rifle
  • Rapid-Fire Frame: Deeper ammo reserves. Slightly faster reload when magazine is empty.
  • Element: Arc
  • RPM: 540
  • Magazine: 36
Column 3Column 4
Keep AwayHeadseeker
EncoreSword Logic
Enlightened ActionAdrenaline Junkie
Perpetual MotionMoving Target
Eye of the StormSwashbuckler
Eddy CurrentHigh Ground
Stats For All

Swordbreaker Shotgun

Image: Bungie

Here are all the possible perks for the Swordbreaker shotgun.

  • Weapon type: Shotgun
  • Lightweight Frame: Superb handling. Move faster with this weapon equipped.
  • Element: Strand
  • RPM: 80
  • Magazine: 6
Column 3Column 4
Threat DetectorOne-Two Punch
PugilistOpening Shot
SlideshotSword Logic
Fragile FocusHatchling
SubsistenceBarrel Constrictor
Elemental CapacitorGolden Tricorn

Song of Ir Yût Heavy Machine Gun

Song of Ir-Yut
Image: Bungie

Here are all the possible perks for the Song of Ir Yût heavy machine gun.

  • Weapon type: Heavy Machine Gun
  • Adaptive Frame: A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
  • Element: Arc
  • RPM: 450
  • Magazine: 57
Column 3Column 4
ReconstructionTarget Lock
Rewind RoundsBait and Switch
Feeding FrenzySword Logic
Keep AwayCascade Point
Zen MomentElemental Capacitor
UnrelentingHigh Ground

Crota’s End Raid Mods

There are six mods in total for the Crota’s End raid. Check them out below.

Benevolent OverflowWhile Engulfed in Light, dying or having the Chalice of Light taken from you creates a burst of healing around you. Multiple copies of this mod stack to increase the radius and potency of healing.
Brimming with ExhaustionReduce duration of the Drained of Light debuff by 2 seconds. Multiple copies of this mod stack to increase this benefit.
Chomping at the StemAfter you have been Drained of Light, gain a bonus to mobility, weapon handling, and reload speed. Multiple copies of this mod stack to increase this benefit.
Refreshing ThirstBecoming Drained of Light grants you an armor charge. Multiple copies of this mod stack to increase this benefit.
Stoic When PanickedGain damage resistance while you are standing on a plate, near a lantern or totem, or while you carry the relic Sword. Multiple copies of this mod stack to increase this benefit.
Violent PourWeapon final blows against challenging combatants spawn an Orb of Power. Multiple copies of this mod stack to increase the potency of the Orb of Power.

And that’s it for this guide. If you want to check other raid and dungeon loot tables, visit our Destiny 2 loot tables hub here. What weapons and perk combinations will you be chasing in the Crota’s End raid? Let us know in the comments below!

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