Destiny 2: Season Of The Worthy New Power Level Cap Revealed

Bungie: Destiny 2

Bungie has just released a new This Week At Bungie blog-post where they talked more about what’s to come in Destiny 2’s Season of the Worthy next week. We’ve already seen some of the new (and old) exotics coming to Destiny 2 with the new gameplay trailer released earlier this week. Today, we’re going to discuss the new Season of the Worthy Soft Cap in Destiny 2.

Destiny 2: New Season of the Worthy Soft Cap?

According to the new TWAB post, it looks like Bungie has increased the weapon soft cap to 1010, which previously was 960. So, the new Season of the Worthy soft cap is 1010. This means that players will be able to get to Power Level 1000 fairly easily. Getting to Power Level 1010 will require pinnacle rewards from activities like Trials of Osiris, Raid completions, etc.

“We’re raising the ‘cap’ for gear drops 40 points—powerful gear will now drop up to 1000, with pinnacle drops going up to 1010. The soft cap has also been effectively raised 50 points”

Players will finally be able to get to Power Level 1000 without using their artifact boost. Other than that, Bungie has also revealed the new power level requirement for Trials of Osiris. What are your expectations for Season of the Worthy in Destiny 2? Let us know in the comments!

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