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Destiny 2: Swords Getting Reworked Next Season, Bad News For Sword-Skaters

Swords were first introduced in Destiny 1. Back in the day, we…

Zuhaad Ali By Zuhaad Ali 3 Min Read

Activision To Announce Multiple ‘Remastered and Reimagined Titles’ Later This Year

According to the Activision Q4 Investor call, they’ll release the new Call…

Zuhaad Ali By Zuhaad Ali 1 Min Read

Rainbow Six Quarantine Getting A Release In Q4 2020

Ubisoft released their yearly earnings call earlier today which revealed a bunch…

Abdullah Jawad By Abdullah Jawad 1 Min Read

Rainbow Six: Siege Year 5 Season 1, Operators Leaked

Rainbow Six Siege is one of the best shooter games out there. Most…

Dante Uzel By Dante Uzel 2 Min Read

New Batman Game To Be Co-Op, Leaks Suggest

There have been many rumors about the new Batman game that’s currently…

Zuhaad Ali By Zuhaad Ali 2 Min Read

Destiny 2 Empyrean Foundation: Top Fractaline Donators And Top Resonance Power

It’s been three days (at the time of writing) since Bungie released…

Zuhaad Ali By Zuhaad Ali 2 Min Read

Ghost Is Coming To Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is still going strong. The game changed…

Dante Uzel By Dante Uzel 2 Min Read

New Unlimited Multikill Clip Exploit Found In Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is getting a lot of glitches and bugs recently. From…

Zuhaad Ali By Zuhaad Ali 1 Min Read

Team Ninja Wants To Make A New Ninja Gaiden Game

Ninja Gaiden is one of the classic franchises out there. The first-ever…

Zuhaad Ali By Zuhaad Ali 2 Min Read

PlayStation 5 Official Website Now Live

Sony has finally updated PlayStation’s website and added a brand-new page for…

Zuhaad Ali By Zuhaad Ali 2 Min Read