In Wake Of Social Distancing, People Are Hosting Virtual Parties In Animal Crossing: New Horizons


Animal Crossing: New Horizons was released last week on Nintendo Switch and it has been the top-selling video game in the UK. With the COVID-19 global pandemic and social distancing being a real serious concern in the whole world, gamers taking advantage of the hangout feature in New Horizons and hosting surprise weddings and birthday parties.

It’s a really wholesome moment seeing these videos being shared all across Twitter.

Also Read: Bandai Namco’s Social Media Manager Accidentally Tweets Animal Crossing Complaint Via The Official Bandai Namco Account

A recent report shows that the video game industry is becoming stronger and thriving due to the global pandemic. And it’s pretty accurate considering people need something to spend their time while social distancing in these hard times.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons releasing March 20, 2020, on Nintendo Switch.

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