Destiny 2 Ghosts of the Deep: All 12 Memory of Darkness Collectibles Location Guide

Image: Bungie via TheGamePost

Just like other dungeons in the past, the newest Ghosts of the Deep dungeon in Destiny 2 is filled with mysteries, collectibles, and secrets for players to discover. Some of these secrets are tied to triumphs for the dungeon seal—Ghoul. Others are for the exotic catalyst of the new dungeon Exotic Trace Rifle, The Navigator.

This new dungeon has a total of four new legendary weapons, a new exotic sparrow, two emblems (one for normal completion and one for solo flawless), and Lucent Hive-themed armor sets for each class, which is one of the best-looking armor sets Bungie has released in the game.

Related: Destiny 2 Ghosts of the Deep Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons & Armor

In this guide, we will talk about the Memory of Darkness (or memory fragments) collectibles that are scattered throughout the new dungeon and where you can find all of them to complete your Ghoul seal.

Destiny 2 Ghosts of the Deep Loot Table: Dungeon Weapons & Armor
Image: Bungie

Destiny 2 Ghosts of the Deep All 12 Memory of Darkness Collectibles Location

A quick heads up, if you’re going into this new dungeon for the first time, you will need to visit Suraya Hawthrone in the Tower Bazaar and she will give you a quest called “Rise.” This quest is only required for your first completion of the dungeon. Now, let’s get started with the memory fragments.

Ghosts of the Deep – Memory of Darkness #1

The first memory is located in the very first encounter. Proceed ahead from your spawning point until you come across a cluster of trees with scattered branches. Jump off those trees, and you’ll reach a secret room where you’ll find this fragment at the end.

Ghosts of the Deep – Memory of Darkness #2

Once you finish the first Hive Ritual encounter, keep moving ahead until you reach some big spinning turbines or fans. Drop down and leap through the broken metal fence. Instead of entering the dark tunnel on the right, proceed all the way to the end of the corridor. Climb up and you’ll discover this fragment in the top left corner nook.

Ghosts of the Deep – Memory of Darkness #3

This one is relatively close to the second fragment. Once you enter the dark tunnel, continue moving straight ahead until you arrive at a room illuminated by purple or blue lights. You’ll find the third fragment up on a platform to your left.

Destiny 2 Ghosts of the Deep All 12 Memory of Darkness Collectibles Location Guide
Image: Bungie via TheGamePost

Ghosts of the Deep – Memory of Darkness #4

You can find the fourth fragment in the place where you first come across the spinning platforms with a huge pillar in the middle. Jump onto the very first platform, and you’ll notice the “Collect” text appearing with the fragment attached to the giant pillar.

Destiny 2 Ghosts of the Deep All 12 Memory of Darkness Collectibles Location Guide
Image: Bungie via TheGamePost

Ghosts of the Deep – Memory of Darkness #5

You can find this fragment underwater where you first drop in. Once you’ve descended, you will two damaged big doors with orange lights. One of these doors is slightly open. Enter through that door, and you’ll discover the fragment inside.

Ghosts of the Deep – Memory of Darkness #6

This fragment is also located underwater. Make your way down underwater where you find the first fan that blows upwards, leading to a room. Instead of going up with the fan, continue past it, and you will find the fragment positioned on one of the outer right corners of the platform.

Ghosts of the Deep – Memory of Darkness #7

Another underwater fragment. This one is located in an area with broken glass tubes/windows. You can actually see this fragment on the other side of the glass.

Continue through the broken glass window and hug the wall to the left. There, you’ll find a couple of air pockets with the fragment midway.

Ghosts of the Deep – Memory of Darkness #8

This is located right before the first secret chest. When you drop down underwater again, look for a light to the left side of the area. The fragment is located right next to the light.

Ghosts of the Deep – Memory of Darkness #9

You can find the ninth fragment where you get your first clear view of the Hive ship There will be an air pocket right in the middle of the area. Instead of going left (which will lead you to the next area), head right where you will find a cave with the fragment inside. (also two air pockets)

Ghosts of the Deep – Memory of Darkness #10

This fragment is located inside the Hive ship, right before the second encounter, Ecthar, the Shield of Savathun boss fight. Enter the room that has several giant tubes. Slide down and you’ll see the fragment inside a small pipe that sticks out, with water flowing through it.

Destiny 2 Ghosts of the Deep All 12 Memory of Darkness Collectibles Location Guide
Image: Bungie via 360GameTV

Ghosts of the Deep – Memory of Darkness #11

After completing the second encounter (Ecthar, the Shield of Savathun), you’ll enter a brief underwater section where you’ll see a giant sea creature at a distance. Exit this underwater area, follow the stairs and you’ll find the fragment to the left side behind the fence.

Ghosts of the Deep – Memory of Darkness #12

The final memory fragment is located in the final boss encounter, Simmumah ur-Nokru. Complete the final encounter and make your way to the room where you fight the Lucent Hive Acolyte. (Hunter)

You’ll notice a bright green circle with The Taken King symbol. Line these two up similar to the final encounter, and you’ll see a pathway opening up right beside the Taken King symbol. Inside is where you will the final Memory of Darkness fragment.

And, voila! Now, you have all twelve memory of Darkness fragments collected and you can claim the Ghoul seal triumph “In Memoriam” in your Journey tab.

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Destiny 2 Lightfall is now available on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.


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