Destiny 2 Iron Banner Bug Triggers Instant Mercy Rule, Bungie Disables Exotic Helmet

Now disabled.

Image: Bungie

Season of the Deep is going in full flow with the first Iron Banner currently active in Destiny 2. This season, Iron Banner has received a new weapon called “Pressurized Precision”, which is an Adaptive Frame Strand Fusion Rifle. But, that’s not the only new thing added this season for those who love Iron Banner.

Bungie has also created one of the best-looking emblems Destiny 2 has to offer, specifically for Iron Banner. The emblem is called “Brazen Wolf” and can be unlocked by leveling up Lord Saladin at the Tower to level 16—which brings us to the current state of Iron Banner in Destiny 2.

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Recently, there was a new bug discovered that instantly activated the Mercy Rule in Iron Banner matches, resulting in either of the teams winning the match. This bug was extremely disruptive and ruined the entire activity for players who just want to enjoy and score some kills.

Destiny 2 Khepri's Horn Exotic Helmet for Titan
Image: Bungie via TheGamePost

Destiny 2 Bug Ruins Iron Banner, Results in Instant Mercy Rules

This glitch involves players using the Titan’s Barricade ability combined with the Khepri’s Horn exotic helmet and Drengr’s Lash Strand Aspect. When used on a capture point in Iron Banner, it gives out +12 points for one player. So, if all six players capture a point, it will result in +70 points, activating the Mercy Rule instantly.

It was first shared yesterday by none other than Cheese Forever on YouTube. Shortly after the bug was shared online, Bungie officially announced on its Bungie Help Twitter account that it has disabled the Khepri’s Horn exotic helmet in the game. So, for those who don’t have the helmet already equipped on their Titans, they are out of luck.

UPDATE: Bungie has now changed the featured game mode in Iron Banner from Control to Eruption.

However, players are reporting that if you still have the exotic helmet equipped on your Titan and do not change characters, the bug still works. You can check out the now-disabled exotic helmet, breaking Iron Banner matches below.

Make sure to follow our Destiny outlet Destiny Bulletin on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram for all things Destiny 2 and Bungie.

Destiny 2 Lightfall is now available on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.


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