Destiny 2 Players Honor Late Actor Lance Reddick During Guardian Games Event

Forever our Commander.

Image: Lance Reddick | Bungie

Destiny 2 players are coming together to honor the late actor Lance Reddick during the Guardian Games event. Reddick, who voiced the Titan Vanguard Commander Zavala in the game, tragically passed away in March 2023.

In remembrance of his contribution to the game, many players are choosing to play as the Titan class during this year’s Guardian Games event, which is currently live in Destiny 2 until May 23, 2023.

The Guardian Games event is an annual in-game competition that allows players to represent their respective classes and compete against each other. The three classes in Destiny 2 are Warlock, Hunter, and Titan, with each having its unique abilities and playstyles.

Titans Rise in Honor of Late Lance Reddick During Destiny 2 Guardian Games

However, this year’s Guardian Games event has taken on a special significance for many players, as they use the event to pay tribute to the late Lance Reddick.

Destiny 2 Players Honor Late Voice Actor Lance Reddick During Guardian Games Event
Image: Bungie via TheGamePost

Reddick was a well-respected actor who lent his voice to several popular video games, including Horizon Zero Dawn, Horizon Forbidden West, and Quantum Break, in addition to his role as Commander Zavala in Destiny 2. His passing has deeply affected the whole community, and now fans are rooting for Titans to take the victory in this year’s Guardian Games event.

At the time of writing this article, we are almost at the end of day one of Guardian Games—and by the looks of it, Titans are the clear winners with Warlocks in the second place and Hunters taking the third. It is heartwarming to see players coming together to celebrate his life and legacy through the game that he helped bring to life.

Reddick was a very active Destiny player, playing the game almost every day as well as engaging with many of the community’s conversations on Twitter.

As for the future of Reddick’s Commander Zavala in Destiny 2, Bungie has commented on this, saying for now, it will “honor his presence through his performances yet to come in the game, and in the memories that will last us a lifetime.”

Make sure to follow our Destiny outlet Destiny Bulletin on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram for all things Destiny 2 and Bungie.

Destiny 2 Lightfall is now available on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.


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