New Destiny 2 Survey Asks About the Addition of Space Combat, Offline Progression, Single-Player Content, and More

Easy dibs on space battles in Destiny.

By Zuhaad Ali
Image: Bungie

Player feedback is key for any game, especially if it’s a live service title like Destiny 2. The good news is Bungie is very active in interacting with Destiny 2 fans to gather feedback, both on the public end and behind closed doors.

We’ve seen Bungie host several community summits up until now as well as send out closed surveys to a select group of players. Recently, Bungie sent out a new survey to players for Destiny 2, asking them general gaming-related questions as well as some Destiny 2-specific questions.

One of the questions asked in the survey was what new features players would like to see added to Destiny 2 in the future. The question featured a bunch of options to choose from, including Competitive leaderboards, Third-person combat, more open-world maps, and more.

You can check out the complete list of options below. (thanks, Ecothedragon37)

  • More cooperative gameplay content
  • Competitive leaderboards
  • Crossover content with other brand IPs
  • Third-person combat
  • Life skill systems (e.g., cooking, harvesting, fishing, crafting)
  • More competitive gameplay content
  • Larger player count activities (over 6)
  • Melee weapons / close-quarters combat

  • More open-world maps
  • Ways to connect or communicate with others
  • Character relationship systems (e.g., building affinity, unlocking story)
  • Player generated content
  • Playable characters/heroes (pre-made)
  • Game modes that incorporate other genres (e.g., tower-defense, rougelikes, battle royale)
  • “Offline” progression features (e.g., sending characters out to gather resources)
  • Ship combat / space battles
  • Strategic, slower paced game modes
  • More single-player gameplay content
  • Prestige system (e.g., Seasonal leveling system)
New Destiny 2 Survey Asks Players About the Addition of Space Battles, Offline Progression, Single-Player Content, and More
Image: TheGamePost

Some of these systems and features are already in the game, like cooperative gameplay, third-person combat, open-world maps, and a seasonal leveling system. However, the list also features some new exciting Destiny 2 features, including Space ship battles, single-player content, offline progression, and more.

Interestingly, this same survey also asked questions about a new Destiny game, that’s probably coming out after The Final Shape expansion. That said, it’s also entirely possible that these options and the survey are just to gather player feedback and what they are interested in, in general.

As for crossovers with other brand IPs, we’ve seen Destiny 2 crossovers with Fortnite, Fall Guys, Assassin’s Creed, Among Us, and very recently, Arknights. Fans are also expecting Destiny 2 collabs with other PlayStation IPs (like God of War, Horizon, Ghost of Tsushima, etc) now that Bungie is part of the PlayStation Studios.

The Destiny developer has also confirmed that it plans to release at least one new game (that’s not Destiny) by 2025. The company has also been actively working on expanding the Destiny IP into Films, and TV, with rumors of a potential Destiny animated project in the works.

What do you think about this? Would you like to see space combat in Destiny 2, along with the other features? Let us know in the comments below.

Make sure to follow our Destiny outlet Destiny Bulletin on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram for all things Destiny 2 and Bungie.

Destiny 2 Lightfall is now available on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.
