Here’s The Damage Breakdown For All Supers in Destiny 2 Ahead of Season 21’s Major Update

By Zuhaad Ali
Image: Bungie via TheGamePost

Destiny 2 Season of the Deep (season 21) is just around the corner, which means players will get to experience some exciting new updates in less than three days from today.

Bungie has already revealed pretty much every major update that you can expect next season, including exotic weapons and armor reworks and changes, some UI updates, raid exotic drop rates, and super updates.

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Speaking of supers, we know that season 21 will feature an increase in damage resistance in PvE for all supers by ~20%. However, there are also some pretty interesting buffs coming up next week, which will definitely make some DPS supers a viable option again.

Recently, Destiny 2 content creator, Aztecross, did extensive damage testing for all supers in the game. Thanks to that, we now have a full list of how much damage each super does in Destiny 2 before the big update drops with the launch of Season of the Deep.

In this article, we have compiled a list of damage numbers for all supers in the game pre-season 21 update, which you can find below.

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Image: Bungie

Destiny 2 Pre-Season 21 Super Damage Breakdown

Before we get into the actual numbers, keep in mind that this breakdown does not include support supers like Warlock’s Well of Radiance, Hunter’s Tether, Titan’s Ward of Dawn bubble, as well as Stasis Hunter super. Also, a thing to note here is that this test is conducted on the first boss of the Grasp of Avarice dungeon, Ravenous Ogre. Now, let’s get started.

Note: The following list presents numbers based on the super’s damage output, starting from the highest damaging super to the lowest.

  • Stasis Titan – Glacial Quake + Synthoceps + Whisper of Fissures: 956,073
  • Solar Titan – Burning Maul + Synthoceps + Roaring Flames: 860,652
  • Stasis Titan – Glacial Quake + Synthoceps + Edge of Action + Whisper of Fissures: 690,661
  • Strand Titan – Bladefury + Synthoceps: 655,174
  • Stasis Titan – Glacial Quake + Ward of Dawn buff + Whisper of Fissures: 612,774
  • Arc Hunter – Arc Staff + Raiden Flux + Lethal Current: 611,552
  • Arc Hunter – Arc Staff + Raiden Flux + Pheonix Cradle buff + Lethal Current + Sol Invictus: 553,345
  • Solar Hunter – Blade Barrage + Star-Eater Scales + Radiant + Knock ‘Em Down: 549,907
  • Solar Hunter – Blade Barrage + Star-Eater Scales + Knock ‘Em Down: 534,590
  • Arc Hunter – Gathering Storm + Star-Eater Scales: 553,328

  • Arc Hunter – Arc Staff + Star-Eater Scales + Lethal Current: 508,466
  • Solar Titan – Hammer of Sol + Synthoceps + Roaring Flames: 503,582
  • Solar Warlock – Daybreak – Dawn Chorus + Amber of Ashes: 492.882
  • Strand Warlock – Needlestorm + Swarmers + Weaver’s Call + Mindspun Invocation: 491,104
  • Stasis Warlock – Shadebinder + Ballidorse Wrathweavers + Whisper of Fissures: 477,587
  • Solar Hunter – Marksman Golden Gun + Star-Eater Scales + Radiant + Kinetic Surge mods 3x: 469,060
  • Arc Titan – Thundercrash + Cuirass of the Falling Star: 435,991
  • Arc Hunter – Arc Staff + Blight Ranger + Pheonix Cradle buff + Sol Invictus: 427,929
  • Void Titan – Sentinel Shield + Synthoceps: 424,103
  • Arc Warlock – Stormcaller + Stormdancer’s Brace: 413,830
Here's The Damage Breakdown For All Supers in Destiny 2 Ahead of Season 21's Major Update
Image: Bungie
  • Arc Warlock – Chaos Reach + Geomag Stabilizers: 399,600
  • Arc Warlock – Stormcaller + Crown of Tempest: 385,126
  • Solar Hunter – Marksman Golden Gun + Celestial Nighthawk + Radiant + Kinetic Suge mods 3x: 379,808
  • Arc Titan – Striker + Synthoceps: 363,308
  • Void Warlock – Nova Warp: 340,736
  • Solar Hunter – Marksman Golden Gun + Celestial Nighthawk + Radiant: 311,318
  • Arc Warlock – Stormcaller: 309,856
  • Arc Hunter – Arc Staff + Blight Ranger: 295,222
  • Void Warlock – Nova Bomb: Cataclysm: 249,653
  • Solar Hunter – Marksman Golden Gun + Celestial Nighthawk: 249,055
  • Arc Titan – Fist of Havoc: 234,372
  • Void Warlock – Nova Bomb: Vortex: 231,299
  • Arc Warlock – Chaos Reach: 207,792
  • Void Hunter – Spectral Blades + Star-Eater Scales: 197,936
  • Solar Hunter – Marksman Golden Gun: 180,930
  • Void Hunter – Spectral Blades + Gwisin Vest: 116,432
  • Solar Hunter – Deadshot Golden Gun: 114,948

There are still some supers missing, specifically Hunter’s Strand and Stasis supers, but those two supers aren’t getting any updates next season. And as with every damage testing, keep in mind that there is room for error. That’s it for the best super damage in Destiny as of right now.

Obviously, these numbers will change next week after the season 21 update goes live. You can check out the complete list of supers and ability tuning on the official blog post by Bungie. Also, if you want to watch all of this testing in action, you can watch the full 43-minute-long video from Aztecross below.

Additionally, it’s also been confirmed that there are underwater sequences in Season of the Deep, which is something Bungie has never done before. All in all, Destiny 2 season 21 seems to be bringing significant changes on the technical side of things.

Make sure to follow our Destiny outlet Destiny Bulletin on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram for all things Destiny 2 and Bungie.

Destiny 2 Lightfall is now available on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.
